Release Notes for Perforce Insights Version 2014.1 Release Introduction Perforce Insights provides users with configurable dashboards with a variety of metrics from your Perforce repository. This document lists all user-visible changes to Perforce Insights for the 2014.1 release. The 2014.1 release is a stability release. Perforce numbers releases YYYY.R/CCCCC, e.g. 2013.1/123456. YYYY is the year; R is the release of that year; CCCCC is the bug fix change level. Each bug fix in these release notes is marked by its change number. Any release includes (1) all bug fixes of all previous releases and (2) all bug fixes of the current release up to the bug fix change level. Please send all feedback to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provided Packages Insights provides the following installation options: * A ZIP file for use on Microsoft Windows platforms. * A compressed tarfile (.tgz) for use on UNIX-like platforms. * .deb packages for use with Debian/Ubuntu distributions. * .rpm packages for use with RedHat/CentOS/SuSE distributions. * An OVA virtual machine image for use with any virtualization application that supports the OVA format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Insights Release 2014.1 documentation, including installation and configuration instructions, can be found online at: Additional instructions for installing Insights using the ZIP and TGZ files is included in the package files as a README.html and README.txt. Further information is available online at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Platforms Insights server has been tested on the following platforms. * Linux (Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04, RedHat 6.4, CentOS 6.4) * Microsoft Windows 2008 Insights should also work on any platform which supports its dependencies, and is known to work (but not tested) on latest release of Debian, SuSE and Mac OSX. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server Dependencies Insights requires a Perforce Server 12.1 to 14.1. The Java application server has the following dependencies: * PostgreSQL Server (8.X or 9.X) * Java JDK (6 or 7) * Tomcat (6 or 7) At least 2GB of memory is recommended for the host running the Java application server, and Tomcat should have at least 512MB of PermGen space allocated. We recommend that users review PostgreSQL tuning options in order to maximise application performance. See Other Java application servers have not been tested and are not supported, but Insights does not make use of any Tomcat specific features. The optional Perforce Service Manager (PSM) component has the following dependencies: * Ruby 1.8.7 * Rubygems * The following Ruby gems: * json * sqlite3 * fastercsv * file-tail * thin * sinatra * sys-cpu * sys-uname -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Client Browsers Insights has been tested on the following web browsers. Earlier versions are not supported. * Apple Safari (version 5.1) * Google Chrome (version 33) * Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 10) * Mozilla Firefox (version 27) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading Insights Upgrades are supported from 13.3 to 14.1. In order to upgrade from Insights 13.2, it is necessary to first upgrade to 13.3. Upgrading directly from 13.2 to 14.1 will not correctly import the configuration from an external dbimport application. On Linux servers, an upgrade may be performed by installing the perforce-insights-r14.1 package. For a manual upgrade, consult the upgrade process detailed in the README file supplied as part of the distribution. The upgrade process will update the existing database. It is highly recommended that any database is backed up prior to performing an upgrade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major new functionality in 2014.1 * Added support for Perforce Server 14.1. Older versions of Insights will not run against a 14.1 server. * Added support to allow metric plugins to create their own tables, and run overnight processes. * Added new metrics for displaying a breakdown of file types within a project and demonstrating the display of data from external sources. * Added facility to upload checkpoints directly to the web server. Minor new functionality in 2014.1 Bug #70795 Added security requirement to the database import page so that only admin users can access it. Bug #70953 Severity names which consist only of a number can now be added by prefixing the name with an underscore in the configuration. Bug #71191 Improvements to the error handling in the database import to catch problems if P4D is upgraded to an unrecognised version. Bug #71332 Changed Linux package requirements to have a prerequisite of the correct versions of OpenJDK, rather than relying on Tomcat's own prerequisites. Bug #71342 The script now automatically trusts the P4 server if it is SSL enabled, and creates a trust file in the Tomcat directory so that manual configuration of a trust file is not needed. Bug #71492 Updated the Grails configuration to fix security hole CVE-2014-0053 that was present in Grails. Bug #71620 Fix for blank page appearing after login if one of the anonymous pages were accessed first. Bug #71781 The plugin API did not give access to parametrised SQL queries, making it reliant on plugin authors to guard against SQL injection attacks. A parametrised query object has now been made available to plugins. Major new functionality in 2013.3 * The continuous import from the Perforce Server has been embedded into the web application server, removing the need for an external process. * Installation packages are now available for Ubuntu and Red Hat. * Greatly improved Javascript performance, especially in Chrome. * Stability improvements and bug fixes. Major new functionality in 2013.2 * Completely redesigned user interface. * Personalisation of dashboards: each user can now define their own dashboards and graphs. * Access to a project can now be restricted to a specific set of users. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Limitations and Behaviours * Insights only currently supports PostgreSQL as a database. * There is no support for bugs stored outside of Perforce jobs. if you do not use Perforce Jobs, we recommend the use of P4DTG to import issues from other bug tracking tools into Perforce. * Fine tuning of the date ranges on graphs is not currently supported by the user interface. * Sharing of dashboards is not supported. Sharing of graphs is only supported via a URL which can be copied into an email. * There is no user interface to disable a particular type of metric that can be displayed. If you need to disable access to a metric, please contact support. * It is possible to write custom plugins, but this is not fully supported at time of release. * The metric for 'Most Edited Files' can be used to show the top (n) most edited files. The query for this is very database intensive and can cause performance issues for large datasets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------