Release Notes for P4Search 2014.1 Release Introduction P4Search is a dedicated web service for indexing the contents of your Perforce Server. It supports a web-based user inteface that supports authentication and integration with Swarm, Commons, and P4Web. It also supports a RESTful API for programmatic use. Perforce numbers releases YYYY.R/CCCCCC, for example, 2012.1/40716. YYYY is the year; R is the release of that year; CCCCCC is the bug fix change level. Each bug fix in these release notes is marked by its change number. Any build includes (1) all bug fixes of all previous releases and (2) all bug fixes of the current release up to the bug fix change level. Please send all feedback to Minimum Requirements * A javax.servlet web container: * Jetty 8.1.7 * Apache Tomcat 7.0.26 * A JDK version 6, such as OpenJDK or SunJDK * Apache Solr v4.5.1 or greater * Supported Platforms: * Linux 2.6 Intel x86_64 * The Perforce Server version 2010.1.503158 or later. P4Search uses "p4 keys" to store index progress metadata. To restrict access to sensitive data in the key table, Perforce Server 2013.1 implements the configurable "dm.keys.hide=1" to prohibit reading the keys table from non-admin users. Documentation Please see the README file for general information or the INSTALL file for installation instructions. Please see the API.pdf file for information regarding the design of the API.