You are here: Getting and Viewing Files > Understanding file status

Understanding file status

The status of local files in your working directory is displayed in the Source Tree window Status column. The information in this column can help you determine if local files are out of sync with the Surround SCM Server.

When you get or check out files, the .MySCMServerInfo file in your working directory is updated. Surround SCM compares this file to the working directory files to determine the status.

Status Explanation
Current The local file is the same as the current Surround SCM Server file.
Missing The file was not found on your computer.
Modified The local file was modified and does not match the Surround SCM Server file.
Old A newer version was checked in and the local file is no longer current.
Old, Modified A newer version was checked in after you modified the local file. This happens if you check out a file, modify it locally, and another user checks in a new version.
Working directory conflict Surround SCM cannot determine the working directory location. This happens if you set the same working directory for two or more branches or another user sets a working directory in the same location you did (for example, a shared network drive).
Unknown Surround SCM cannot determine the file status. This happens if the .MySCMServerInfo file is removed or modified.


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