Important note for OS X clients

If you have upgraded your Hansoft server (any OS) to 9.2049 and any OS X user does not see the login screen when trying to connect to the server, delete this folder from the server: <Hansoft Server Directory>\ServerSync\Client\OSX10.7\x64\\Contents\Resources\qt_menu.nib, and restart the server. This should resolve the login problem.


A new version of the SDK is available: Hansoft SDK for all platforms


The Hansoft A3 9.2049 server is compatible with shares from versions 9.2046 and higher.

New Features

Prioritize backlog on all levels. You can now apply backlog priority not only on leaf items but subprojects as well. The Hansoft backlog priority view now allows you to weigh subprojects against individual features, applying a priority at any level of the tree.

You can also apply reports on the fly as part of the filters in the priority view.

If you prefer, you can emulate how the priority view used to work, by applying a filter for leaf items only.

Retain line breaks when showing user stories in lists, as well as detailed descriptions or comments. Enable the personal option “Editing\General\Show line breaks in user stories in lists”, and if you show these items in lists, the line breaks from your text fields will show. By default we show a more compressed view, replacing line breaks with single spaces.

Fixed Issues

# 6881Accounts with administrative access can change the password for the Administrator account.Severity B
# 6869Possible to delete the “Hidden reports” folder.Severity D
# 6093Newline characters are rendered incorrectly in user stories, detailed descriptions, or comment in list views.Severity D

Download the latest version of Hansoft here.