p4 files (graph)

List the files in the repo.


p4 files [-m max] file ...

Syntax conventions


List the files in the repo. If client syntax is used to specify the file argument, the client view mapping is used to determine the corresponding repo files.


-m max

Limit output to the first max files.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required



list protection, read permission


p4 files //bruno_1666/...

The depot for projectA is not of type graph, so we see metadata, such as "add change 6 (text)". The depot for projectB is of type graph, so we see only the file name:

//depot/projectA/README.md#1 - add change 6 (text)
//depot/projectA/src/feature.cc#1 - add change 6 (text)
//depot/projectA/src/main.cc#1 - add change 6 (text)