p4 login2
Perform multi-factor authentication (MFA), formerly known as second factor authentication (2fa).
p4 login2 [ -p -R ] [ -h host ] [ -S state ] [ -m method ] [ username ]
p4 login2 -s [ -a | -h host ] [ username ]
p4 login2 [-p] -r remotespec [--remote-user=X]
p4 login2 [-s -a] -r remotespec [--remote-user=X]
Enables a user requiring multi-factor authentication to authorize access on a given host.
The end-user will not need this command if auto-prompt is enabled.
See Triggering for multi-factor authentication (MFA) in the Helix Core Server Administrator Guide.
Causes the MFA to persist even after the user's ticket has expired. |
Display the status of the current ticket, if one exists. |
Causes the MFA to be restarted, which allows the user to re-request a one-time password. |
Causes the server to forward the MFA to the server referenced in the specified remote specification. The authentication will be for the user specified by the |
Displays the MFA status for the user on the current host, or all hosts that the user has used if the To show the status for a specific host, the IP address can be specified with the |
Specifying a username as an argument to this command requires A host (IP address) can be specified with the |
For non-interactive clients, executes each step of the MFA individually. This must begin with the |
Shows the MFA status for the user on all hosts. |
A host (IP address) can be specified with the Shows the status for a specific host if the IP address is specified. |
Usage Notes
Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? | Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? | Minimal Access Level Required |
N/A |
N/A |
Related Commands
To login |
p4 login
To end a login session |
To display tickets |