p4 ping

Test network performance.


p4 [g-opts] ping [-f] [-p pausetime] [-c count] [-t transmittime] 
                 [-i iterations] [-s sendsize] [-r receivesize]

Syntax conventions


p4 ping simulates Helix Core Server network traffic by sending messages from the versioning service to the Helix Core Server application and back, and times the round trips. Round-trip times are reported in milliseconds. Because the round-trip time is typically too fast to measure for a single message, you can specify a message count per test.


-c count

Number of messages per test.


Flood mode: the service transmits continuously, sending the next message without waiting for the Helix Core Server application to confirm receipt of the prior message.

-i iterations

Repeat the test for the specified number of iterations.

-p pausetime

Pause for pausetime seconds between tests, up to 120 seconds. To disable pausing, specify a pausetime of 0.

-r receivesize

Size of the user-to-service message, up to a maximum value of 100,000 bytes.

-s sendsize

Size of the service-to-user message, up to a maximum value of 10,000,000 bytes.

-t transmittime

Transmit data for transmittime (maximum 6,000) seconds.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




available to an operator user

  • Like the operating system’s counterpart, p4 ping can flood the network with traffic.