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Perforce.P4 Namespace

Public classActionVersion
A revision specifier that is a file action.
Public classAddFilesCmdOptions
Add command options
Public classBranchCmdOptions
Branch command options
Public classBranchesCmdOptions
Branches command options
Public classBranchSpec
A branch view specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classChangeCmdOptions
Change command options.
Public classChangelist
A changelist specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classChangelistIdVersion
A revision specifier that is a changelist id.
Public classChangesCmdOptions
Changes command options.
Public classClient
A client specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classClientCmdOptions
Client command options
Public classClientMetadata
Metadata from the client associated with a connection.
Public classClientNameVersion
A revision specifier that is a client name.
Public classClientPath
A path spec in client syntax.
Public classClientsCmdOptions
Clients command options
Public classClientSubmitOptions
Client options that define what to do with files upon submit.
Public classConnection
Represents the logical connection between a specific Perforce Server instance and a specific client application.
Public classCopyFilesCmdOptions
Copy command options.
Public classCounter
A general-purpose counter or named variable in a Perforce repository.
Public classCounterCmdOptions
Counter command options
Public classCoutnerCmdOptions Obsolete.
Counter command options
Public classCredential
Specifies user credentials for a specific connection.
Public classDateTimeVersion
A revision specifier that is a date and time.
Public classDeleteFilesCmdOptions
delete command options
Public classDepot
A depot specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classDepotCmdOptions
depot command options
Public classDepotFileDiff
A diff between depot files in a Perforce repository.
Public classDepotPath
A path spec in depot syntax.
Public classDescribeCmdOptions
Options for the Describe command
Public classEditCmdOptions
Options for the edit command
Public classFile
A versioned object that describes an individual file in a Perforce repository.
Public classFileAnnotation
Correlates file lines with revision information.
Public classFileDiff
A diff between workspace content and depot content.
Public classFileHistory
Describes a Perforce file revision in detail, including the changelist number and associated description, action, user, etc. data.
Public classFileIntegrationRecord
Represents submitted or pending integrations.
Public classFileLineMatch
Specifies matching lines in Perforce managed files.
Public classFilelogCmdOptions
Options for the filelog command.
Public classFileMetaData
Metadata for a specific file stored in a Perforce repository.
Public classFileResolveAction
Describes how, or if a file has been resolved.
Public classFileResolveRecord
Specifies how file resolve operations were completed or will potentially be completed.
Public classFilesCmdOptions
Files command options
Public classFileSpec
Identifies one or more specific versioned objects in a Perforce repository.
Public classFileSubmitRecord
Describes file submitted and file action performed.
Public classFileType
Specifies a Perforce file type for a managed file.
Public classFix
Specifies a fix relationship between one or more jobs and one or more changelists.
Public classFixJobsCmdOptions
Fix command options.
Public classFormBase
Describes fields and comments in a Perforce specification.
Public classFormSpec
Specifies structural and semantic metadata for form types.
Public classGetDepotDirsCmdOptions
dirs command options
Public classGetDepotFileDiffsCmdOptions
Diff2 command options
Public classGetDepotFilesCmdOptions
Options for the files command
Public classGetFileAnnotationsCmdOptions
Annotate command options
Public classGetFileContentsCmdOptions
Print command options
Public classGetFileDiffsCmdOptions
Diff command options
Public classGetFileHistoryCmdOptions
Filelog command options
Public classGetFileLineMatchesCmdOptions
Grep command options
Public classGetFileMetaDataCmdOptions
GetFileMetaData options (uses the fstat command)
Public classGetFixesCmdOptions
Fixes command options
Public classGetMaxProtectionAccessCmdOptions
Protects command options (for maximum access level).
Public classGetOpenedFilesOptions
GetOpenedFiles options
Public classGetProtectionEntriesCmdOptions
Protects command options
Public classGetProtectionTableCmdOptions
protect command options
Public classGetReviewersCmdOptions
Reviews command options
Public classGetStreamMetaDataCmdOptions
GetStreamMetaData command options
Public classGetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdOptions
Integrated command options
Public classGetTriggerTableCmdOptions
Triggers command options
Public classGetTypeMapCmdOptions
GetTypeMap command options
Public classGroup
A user group on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 Group spec.
Public classGroupCmdOptions
Group command options.
Public classGroupsCmdOptions
Groups command options.
Public classHaveRevision
A revision specifier #have.
Public classHeadRevision
A revision specifier #head.
Public classInfoCmdOptions
Options for the Trust command
Public classIntegrateFilesCmdOptions
Integrate command options
Public classJob
A Job in the Repository.
Public classJobCmdOptions
Job command options
Public classJobsCmdOptions
Jobs command options
Public classLabel
A label specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classLabelCmdOptions
Label command options
Public classLabelNameVersion
A revision specifier that is a label name.
Public classLabelsCmdOptions
Labels command options
Public classLabelSyncCmdOptions
Labelsync command options
Public classLicenseCmdOptions
Options for the License command
Public classLocalPath
A path spec in local syntax.
Public classLockCmdOptions
Lock command options
Public classLogFile
Generic interface used to an event logger. In short, messages are logged by: 1) Level. The lower the level, the more sever the level, 0 fatal 1 error 2 warning 3 information 4+ debugging messages 2) Source. A string specifying the origin of the message, ie P4Server 3) Message. The text of the message.
Public classLoginCmdOptions
Options for the login command.
Public classLogoutCmdOptions
Options for the logout command.
Public classMapEntry
A single entry in a view map.
Public classMergeFilesCmdOptions
Merge command options.
Public classMoveCmdOptions
Move command options
Public classNoneRevision
A revision specifier #none.
Public classOptions
A generic list of command options and values.
Public classOtherFileUser
Class summarizing the use of this file by another user.
Public classOtherUsers
Specifies other users who have a particular file open.
Public classP4CallBacks
Class wrapper for the definitions of delegates required to model the callbacks from the bridge dll.
Public classP4CantCloseConnectionException
Specialized Exception for Can't close exception
Public classP4ClientError
Class used to return a single error or warning from the bridge dll.
Public classP4ClientErrorList
Class used to return a list of errors and warnings returned by a command.
Public classP4ClientInfoMessage
Class used to return a info message from the bridge dll.
Public classP4ClientInfoMessageList
Class used to return a list of info Messages returned by a command.
Public classP4ClientMerge
ClientMerge object - retains state
Public classP4ClientResolve
Class containing the DLL imports for the P4Bridge DLL.
Public classP4Command
Class wrapping command execution.
Public classP4CommandCanceledException
Specialized Exception for canceled command
Public classP4CommandResult
Class representing the results of executing a command on a Perforce Server.
Public classP4CommandTimeOutException
Specialized Exception for command time out
Public classP4Debugging
Public classP4Exception
Base class for exceptions caused by run time errors from the server. They can be disabled, by setting the MinThrowLevel to ErrorSeverity.E_NOEXC.
Public classP4HungCommandCancelException
Specialized Exception for Hung command
Public classP4LostConnectionException
Specialized Exception for lost connection
Public classP4MapApi
P4MapApi: .NET wrapper for the MapApi object in the p4api dll.
Public classP4Server
P4Server Represents the connection to a Perforce Server using the the P4 Bridge DLL. It wraps the calls exported by the DLL and transforms the data types exported by the DLL as native C#.NET data types.
Public classP4ServerCmdContactTimer
Public classP4ServerMT
A multithreaded manager for P4Server. A P4Server instance should not be shared between threads; instead, either create a P4Server in each thread where you need a connection, or a create a global P4ServerMT and call P4ServerMT.getThread() from the thread context to get a thread-safe connection to a Perforce server.
Public classP4TrustException
Specialized Exception to handle Trust failures
Public classPathSpec
Describes the path and path type in a file spec.
Public classProtectionEntry
Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce protection table.
Public classProtectionEntryExtensions
Public classProtectionTable
Specifies resource access privileges for Perforce users for a specific Perforce repository.
Public classReconcileCmdOptions
Public classReopenCmdOptions
Options for the reopen command.
Public classRepository
Represents a Perforce server and connection.
Public classResolveAnalysis
Public classResolveCmdOptions
Options for the resolve command.
Public classResolvedCmdOptions
Options for Resolve command
Public classRevertCmdOptions
Public classRevision
A revision specifier that is a single revision.
Public classRevisionIntegrationSummary
Describes an integration, specifying the from file and how the integration was done.
Public classServer
Represents a specific Perforce server.
Public classServerAddress
The address of the Perforce server.
Public classServerIPMACaddress
The interface information for server license.
Public classServerLicense
The Perforce server's license information.
Public classServerMetaData
Defines useful metadata about a Perforce server.
Public classServerMetaDataServerTimeZone
Defines the UTC offset for the server.
Public classServerVersion
The Perforce server's version information.
Public classShelvedFile
Shelved file information from a Describe -S command
Public classShelvedInChangelistIdVersion
A revision specifier for a file that is shelved in a changelist id.
Public classShelveFilesCmdOptions
Shelve command options.
Public classSimpleListT
Public classSimpleListItemT
Public classSpecField
Class representing a field in a FormSpec.
Public classStream
A stream specification in a Perforce repository.
Public classStreamCmdOptions
Stream command options
Public classStreamIntegrationLog
Public classStreamLog
Public classStreamMetaData
Public classStreamsCmdOptions
Streams command options
Public classStringList
Augment String List used mostly for passing of parameters to command.
Public classSubmitCmdOptions
Submit command options
Public classSubmitResults
Describes the results for a submit operation on one or more files.
Public classSyncFilesCmdOptions
Sync command options.
Public classTagCmdOptions
Tag command options
Public classTaggedInfoItem
Base class for objects returned by a command as 'tagged' data.
Public classTaggedObject
The tagged output of a command.
Public classTaggedObjectList
A list of tagged objects.
Public classTrigger
Describes an individual entry in the trigger table.
Public classTriggerTable
Defines triggers on Perforce events.
Public classTrustCmdOptions
Options for the Trust command
Public classTypeMap
Defines a Perforce repository's default mapping between file names or locations and file types.
Public classTypeMapEntry
Describes an individual entry in the Perforce repository's typemap.
Public classUnlockFilesCmdOptions
Unlock command options.
Public classUnshelveFilesCmdOptions
Unshelve command options.
Public classUser
A user on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 User spec.
Public classUserCmdOptions
User command options.
Public classUsersCmdOptions
Users command options
Public classVersionRange
A revision range specifier consisting of a lower and upper revision.
Public classVersionSpec
Identifies a specific revision or revision range of a Perforce managed SCM resource.
Public classViewMap
Maps one or more Perforce file specs to zero, one, or more other Perforce file specs.
Public interfaceIKeepAlive
Allows a client to monitor the execution of a command. It allow the client to cancel the command if it takes to long to complete or display a UI to allow the user to cancel the command.
Public delegateClientAutoResolveDelegate
Delegate used for AutoResolve
Public delegateClientResolveFileDelegate
Delegate used for detailed Resolve
Public delegateLogFileLogMessageDelgate
A user defined Logging Delegate should use this prototype
Public delegateP4CallBacksBinaryResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the binary results callback.
Public delegateP4CallBacksErrorDelegate
Delegate definition for the error callback.
Public delegateP4CallBacksInfoResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the info results callback.
Public delegateP4CallBacksLogMessageDelegate
Delegate definition for the Logging callback from the dll.
Public delegateP4CallBacksParallelTransferDelegate
Delegate definition for the parallel operations callback.
Public delegateP4CallBacksPromptDelegate
Delegate definition for the prompt callback.
Public delegateP4CallBacksResolveADelegate
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientResolve object.
Public delegateP4CallBacksResolveDelegate
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientMerge object.
Public delegateP4CallBacksTaggedOutputDelegate
Delegate definition for the tagged output delegate.
Public delegateP4CallBacksTextResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the text results callback.
Public delegateP4ServerBinaryResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send binary output as it is generated.
Public delegateP4ServerCommandEchoDelegate
Delegate used to commands as they are executed.
Public delegateP4ServerErrorDelegate
Delegate used to send errors as they are generated.
Public delegateP4ServerInfoResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send Info Results as they are generated.
Public delegateP4ServerParallelTransferDelegate
Delegate definition for the parallel operations callback.
Public delegateP4ServerPromptHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for input prompts from the p4api.
Public delegateP4ServerResolveAHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientResolve object from the p4api.
Public delegateP4ServerResolveHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientMerge object from the p4api.
Public delegateP4ServerResponseTimeEchoDelegate
Delegate used to commands along with response time as they are executed.
Public delegateP4ServerTaggedOutputDelegate
Delegate used to send tagged output as it is generated.
Public delegateP4ServerTextResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send Text Results as they are generated.
Public enumerationAddFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the add command.
Public enumerationBaseFileType
Flags to define the base file type.
Public enumerationBranchSpecCmdFlags
Flags for the branch command.
Public enumerationBranchSpecsCmdFlags
Flags for the branches command.
Public enumerationChangeCmdFlags
Flags for the change command.
Public enumerationChangeListStatus
Flags for the status of a changelist.
Public enumerationChangesCmdFlags
Flags for the changes command.
Public enumerationClientCmdFlags
Flags for the client command.
Public enumerationClientOption
Flags to configure the client behavior.
Public enumerationClientsCmdFlags
Flags for the clients command.
Public enumerationClientType
Sets Type for client spec.
Public enumerationConnectionStatus
Flags for the server connection status.
Public enumerationCopyFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the copy command.
Public enumerationCounterCmdFlags
Flags for the counter command.
Public enumerationDeleteFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the delete command.
Public enumerationDepotCmdFlags
Flags for the depot command.
Public enumerationDepotType
The type of the depot.
Public enumerationDescribeChangelistCmdFlags
Flags for the describe command.
Public enumerationDiffType
The types of diffs returned by the server.
Public enumerationDiffWhiteSpaceOptions
Diff whitespace options flags for "p4 diff"
Public enumerationEditFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the edit command.
Public enumerationEntryType
The type of protection (user or group).
Public enumerationErrorGeneric
Error Categories
Public enumerationErrorSeverity
Error severity levels.
Public enumerationErrorSubsystem
Error Subsystem Categories
Public enumerationFileAction
Describes the pending or completed action related to open, resolve, or integration for a specific file.
Public enumerationFileLogCmdFlags
Flags for the filelog command.
Public enumerationFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the files command.
Public enumerationFileTypeModifier
Flags to specify file type modifiers.
Public enumerationFixAction
The fix action (Fixed or Unfixed).
Public enumerationFixJobsCmdFlags
Flags for the fix command.
Public enumerationGetDepotDirsCmdFlags
Flags for the dirs command.
Public enumerationGetDepotFileDiffsCmdFlags
Flags for the diff2 command.
Public enumerationGetDepotFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the files command.
Public enumerationGetFileAnnotationsCmdFlags
Flags for the annotate command.
Public enumerationGetFileContentsCmdFlags
Flags for the print command.
Public enumerationGetFileDiffsCmdFlags
Flags for the diff command.
Public enumerationGetFileHistoryCmdFlags
Flags for the filelog command.
Public enumerationGetFileLineMatchesCmdFlags
Flags for the grep command.
Public enumerationGetFileMetadataCmdFlags
Flags for the fstat command.
Public enumerationGetFixesCmdFlags
Flags for the fixes command.
Public enumerationGetMaxProtectionAccessCmdFlags
Flags for the protects command (for maximum access level).
Public enumerationGetOpenedFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the opened command.
Public enumerationGetProtectionEntriesCmdFlags
Flags for the protects command.
Public enumerationGetProtectionTableCmdFlags
Flags for the protect command.
Public enumerationGetResolvedFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the resolved command.
Public enumerationGetReviewersCmdFlags
Flags for the reviews command.
Public enumerationGetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags
Flags for the istat command.
Public enumerationGetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdFlags
Flags for the integrated command.
Public enumerationGetTriggerTableCmdFlags
Flags for the triggers command.
Public enumerationGetTypeMapCmdFlags
Flags for the typemap command.
Public enumerationGroupCmdFlags
Flags for the group command.
Public enumerationGroupsCmdFlags
Flags for the groups command.
Public enumerationInfoCmdFlags
Flags for the info command.
Public enumerationIntegrateFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the integrate command.
Public enumerationJobCmdFlags
Flags for the job command.
Public enumerationJobsCmdFlags
Flags for the jobs command.
Public enumerationLabelCmdFlags
Flags for the label command.
Public enumerationLabelsCmdFlags
Flags for the labels command.
Public enumerationLabelSyncCmdFlags
Flags for the label sync command.
Public enumerationLicenseCmdFlags
Flags for the license command.
Public enumerationLineEnd
Sets line-ending character(s) for client text files.
Public enumerationLoginCmdFlags
Flags for the login command.
Public enumerationLogoutCmdFlags
Flags for the logout command.
Public enumerationMapType
Describes the mapping type.
Public enumerationMatchType
Specifies whether this line match is an exact match, or a context (before or after) match.
Public enumerationMergeFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the merge command.
Public enumerationMoveFileCmdFlags
Flags for the move command.
Public enumerationP4ClientMergeMergeForce
Options for Merge
Public enumerationP4ClientMergeMergeStatus
Status of merge
Public enumerationP4ClientMergeMergeType
Type of merge
Public enumerationP4MapApiDirection
Specify the direction to perform the mapping.
Public enumerationP4MapApiType
Type of the map entry, Include, Exclude, Overlay.
Public enumerationParentView
Flags to configure stream ParentView.
Public enumerationProtectionMode
The protection mode or rights associated with this entry.
Public enumerationReconcileFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the reconcile command.
Public enumerationResolveAction
The action used in resolving the file.
Public enumerationResolveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the resolve command.
Public enumerationResolveOptions
Public enumerationResolveSubtype
Public enumerationResolveType
Public enumerationRevertFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the revert command.
Public enumerationServerState
The current state of a specific server.
Public enumerationShelveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the shelve command.
Public enumerationSpecFieldDataType
Field Data Type for a field in a form specification.
Public enumerationSpecFieldFieldType
Field Type for a field in a form specification.
Public enumerationStreamCmdFlags
Flags for the stream command.
Public enumerationStreamMetaDataIntegAction
Public enumerationStreamOption
Flags to configure stream behavior.
Public enumerationStreamsCmdFlags
Flags for the streams command.
Public enumerationStreamType
Defines the expected flow of change between a stream and its parent.
Public enumerationStringEnumCase
Defines the case for the StringEnum.
Public enumerationSubmitFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the submit command.
Public enumerationSubmitType
Flags to change submit behavior.
Public enumerationSyncFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the sync command.
Public enumerationTagFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the tag command.
Public enumerationTriggerType
Defines whent he trigger is to execute.
Public enumerationTrustCmdFlags
Flags for the trust command.
Public enumerationUnlockFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the unlock command.
Public enumerationUnshelveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the unshelve command.
Public enumerationUserCmdFlags
Flags for the user command.
Public enumerationUsersCmdFlags
Flags for the users command.
Public enumerationUserType
Defines the user type.