Class P4::OutputHandler


The P4::OutputHandler class provides access to streaming output from the server. After defining the output handler, call P4::SetHandler() with your implementation of P4::OutputHandler.

Because P4Perl does not provide a template or superclass, your output handler must implement all five of the following methods: OutputMessage(), OutputText(), OutputInfo(), OutputBinary(), and OutputStat(), even if the implementation consists of trivially returning 0 (report only: don’t handle output, don’t cancel operation).

These methods must return one of the following four values:

Value Meaning


Messages added to output (don’t handle, don’t cancel).


Output is handled by class (don’t add message to output).


Operation is marked for cancel, message is added to output.


Operation is marked for cancel, message not added to output.

Class Methods


Instance Methods

$handler.OutputBinary() -> int

Process binary data.

$handler.OutputInfo() -> int

Process tabular data.

$handler.OutputMessage() -> int

Process informational or error messages.

$handler.OutputStat()-> int

Process tagged data.

$handler.OutputText() -> int

Process text data.