Class P4::Revision


P4::Revision objects are represent individual revisions of files in the Helix Server repository. They are returned as part of the output of P4::RunFilelog().

Class Methods

$rev->Integrations() -> array

Returns an array of P4::Integration objects representing all integration records for this revision.

Instance Methods

$rev->Action() -> string

Returns the name of the action which gave rise to this revision of the file.

$rev->Change() -> integer

Returns the changelist number that gave rise to this revision of the file.

$rev->Client() -> string

Returns the name of the client from which this revision was submitted.

$rev->DepotFile() -> string

Returns the name of the depot file to which this object refers.

$rev->Desc() -> string

Returns the description of the change which created this revision. Note that only the first 31 characters are returned unless you use p4 filelog -L for the first 250 characters, or p4 filelog -l for the full text.

$rev->Digest() -> string

Returns the MD5 digest for this revision.

$rev->FileSize() -> string

Returns the size of this revision.

$rev->Rev() -> integer

Returns the number of this revision of the file.

$rev->Time() -> string

Returns the date/time that this revision was created.

$rev->Type() -> string

Returns this revision’s Helix Server filetype.

$rev->User() -> string

Returns the name of the user who created this revision.