Configure a client workspace to sync repos

A client workspace is a set of directories on a user’s machine that mirrors a subset of the files in the depot. This view defines which depots you can sync to your client workspace. Classic depots are mapped by default, but to be able to sync repos from a graph depot, you need to:

  • set the client workspace to be of type graph (otherwise the workspace will be read-only)
  • manually edit the client workspace specification by noting the required mappings

For more information on setting up clients, see Set up client workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to create a depot client specification and its view:

    $ p4 client clientName
  2. Edit the workspace view to meet your requirements.

    For example, to map a graph depot called graphDepot that includes a repo called repo1, the mapping could look like the following, where workspace is the dedicated directory on the client user’s machine that contains all files located in the graph depot:

    //graphDepot/repo1/... //workspace/graphDepot/repo1/...