Verifying replica integrity

Multi-server installations are accessed through the p4 journaldbchecksums command, and their behavior is controlled by three configurables:, rpl.checksum.change, and rpl.checksum.table.

When you run p4 journaldbchecksums against a specific database table (or the set of tables associated with one of the levels predefined by the configurable), the upstream server writes a journal note containing table checksum information. Downstream replicas, upon receiving this journal note, verify these checksums and record their results in the structured log for integrity-related events.

These checks are also performed whenever the journal is rotated. In addition, triggers allow you to take action when journals are rotated. See Triggering on journal rotation.

Administrators who have one or more replica servers deployed should enable structured logging for integrity events, set the rpl.checksum.* configurables for their replica servers, and regularly monitor the logs for integrity events.