Shelve-submit triggers

The shelve-submit trigger works like the change-submit trigger; it fires after the shelved changelist is created, but before before files are transferred to the server. Shelve-submit triggers are useful for integration with reporting tools or systems that do not require access to file contents.


A site administrator wants to prohibit the shelving of large disk images; the following shelve-submit trigger rejects a shelving operation if the changelist contains .iso files.


# - Disallow shelving of certain file types

# This trigger always fails: when used as a shelve-submit trigger
# with a specified path field, guarantees that files matching that
# path are not shelved

echo " Shelving operation disabled by trigger script."

exit 1

To use the trigger, add the following line to your triggers table, specifying the path for which shelving is to be prohibited in the appropriate field, for example:

shelving1   shelve-submit   //....iso

Every time a changelist is submitted that affects any .iso files in the depot, the script runs, and rejects the request to shelve the disk image files.