Using the Helix Authentication Service for single sign-on

If your Helix TeamHub installation uses Helix authentication and you want to allow users to authenticate using an identity provider, such as Okta, configure the Helix Authentication Service (HAS) on the Helix Core Server. If your Helix Core Server is configured to use HAS, Helix TeamHub will automatically authenticate with the Helix Core Server using HAS.

HAS provides integration with identity providers that support SAML or OpenID Connect authentication methods to allow single sign-on (SSO) to Helix TeamHub and other Perforce products. When HAS is configured, the option to log in using SSO is displayed the Helix TeamHub login page.

See the Helix Authentication Service Administrator Guide for information about installing, configuring, and troubleshooting the service.


You must restart the unicorn_backend service if you configure HAS after configuring Helix TeamHub.