Multi-repo Code Review


Helix TeamHub only supports Multi-repo code reviews for Helix Git repositories.

hth multi-repo-code-review lets you manage multi-repo code reviews for the repositories defined in the manifest file.


The hth multi-repo-code-review can be shortened to hth mrcr or hth mcr.


(where nn is the multi-repo code review number)

  • checkout nn checkout the topic branches of all of the multi-repo code review repositories locally
  • close nn close a multi-repo code review
  • create create a new multi-repo code review
  • list list multi-repo code reviews
  • merge nn merge a multi-repo code review
  • revert nn revert a multi-repo code review
  • view nn view a multi-repo code review


Flags Description
list command flags:
--long List multi-repo code reviews using long format.
--my List multi-repo code reviews you created or that you are a reviewer of. Only lists code reviews for the current project.
--state List multi-repo code review state (default open)
create command flags:
--desc Add a multi-repo code review description.
-d or --destination Default destination reference for all of the multi-repo code review repositories.
--input-reference Ask to input references.
-r or --repository Add a comma-separated list of repository IDs.
--skip-change-detection Skip detection of repositories with local changes and include all repositories from the manifest in the multi-repo code review.
-s or --source Default source reference for all multi-repo code review repositories.
-t or --title Add a multi-repo code review title.
merge command flags:
--delete-branch Delete branch.
--merge-method Specify merge method (merge or squash). Default merge.