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FormSpec Properties

The FormSpec type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComments
a single (possibly rather long) string (which may contain embedded newlines) containing comments to be optionally used in GUI or other representations of the form type.
Public propertyFieldMap
Map, keyed by SpecField name, containing suitable allowed values for specific form fields.
Public propertyFields
List of all SpecField objects for all fields defined for this Form type.
Public propertyFormats
List of "formats" for this form type.
Public propertyMaxwords
Public propertyOpenable
Public propertyPresets
Map, keyed by SpecField name, containing preset (default) values for specific form fields.
Public propertyValues
Map, keyed by SpecField name, containing suitable allowed values for specific form fields.
Public propertyWords
List of "words" for this form type.
See Also