Swarm 2014.1: User Guide


There are two ways to become a member of a project in Swarm:

  1. Add a project and make yourself a member.

  2. Ask a member of an existing project to add you as a member.

Add a member

If you are a member of a project:

  1. Start editing a project. See “Edit a project” for more information.

  2. Completing a username The Team text field lets you specify a Perforce user to add to the members for this project. The field suggests userids by matching what you have typed so far against the list of users in the Perforce service.

  3. Save button for Project configuration Click Save.

Remove a member

If you are a member of a project:

  1. Start editing a project. See “Edit a project” for more information.

  2. A project member Known members of the project are displayed beneath the Team text field as a light blue user button. Click the X next to the userid you want to remove.

  3. Save button for Project configuration Click Save.


You are able to remove your own membership.

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