
Swarm can be configured to provide generic notifications of committed changes in the Helix Versioning Engine, taking the role of a review daemon.

Notifications configuration is expressed with a notifications block in the data/config.php file, similar to the following example:

    // this block should be a peer of 'p4'
    'notifications' => array(
        'honor_p4_reviews'      => false,           // defaults to false
        'opt_in_review_path'    => '//depot/swarm', // optional; defaults to ''
        'disable_change_emails' => false,           // optional; defaults to false

When set to true, Swarm sends notification emails for every committed change to all users where the change matches one of their Reviews: paths.


Optional item. This item specifies a special depot path, which typically would not exist in the Helix Versioning Engine. When a path is specified, users must include this path (or a path that contains it) in the Reviews: field of their user spec to cause Swarm to send the user a notification for every committed change that matches one of their Reviews: paths.

For example, if the opt_in_review_path is set to //depot/swarmReviews, users can opt-in to Swarm review notifications by adding that path, or a path such as //depot/..., to the Reviews: field in their user spec.


Optional item. When set to true, notifications for committed changes, based on the Reviews: field and the users and projects you follow, are disabled.


If your Helix Versioning Engine already has a review daemon in operation, users receive two notifications for Reviews: paths. You may want to deprecate the review daemon in favor of Swarm's change notifications.


Groups have per-group notification settings. See Add a group for details.