How can I fix 'not mergeable' errors in a review?

The problem can occur when you attempt to Commit or Approve and Commit via the Swarm UI and the shelved files are out of date.

Perforce Swarm cannot currently help with resolving conflicts; you need to use a Perforce client such as P4 or P4V to resolve conflicts.

Resolve via P4

  1. Acquire a local copy of the files.

  2. Sync the files to the head version:

    $ p4 sync
  3. Begin resolving files with:

    $ p4 resolve

    Choose an appropriate option to resolve each file. For example:

    $ p4 resolve
    /home/bruno/bruno_ws/dev/main/jam/command.c - merging //depot/dev/main/jam/command.c#9
    Diff chunks: 4 yours + 2 theirs + 1 both + 1 conflicting
    Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) e:
  4. Re-shelve the resolved files with:

    $ p4 shelve


    Ensure that the changelist description contains #review-12345 (separated from other text by whitespace, or on a separate line), where 12345 is the identifier of the review you are updating.


    If you use an invalid review identifier, it will appear that nothing happens. Swarm is currently unable to notify you of this situation.


For more information, see: P4 User's Guide: Resolve

Resolve via P4V

  1. Acquire a local copy of the files.

  2. Context-click your workspace folder in P4V's Workspace tab. Select Resolve Files.... The Resolve dialog appears.

  3. Choose the appropriate options to resolve each file.

  4. Context-click your workspace folder in P4V's Workspace tab. Select Shelve Files.... The Shelve dialog appears.


    Ensure that the changelist description contains #review-12345 (separated from other text with whitespace, or on a separate line), where 12345 is the identifier of the review you are updating.


    If you use an invalid review identifier, it will appear that nothing happens. Swarm is currently unable to notify you of this situation.

  5. Click Shelve.


For more information, see: P4V Online Help: Resolving Files