ChangelistOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's getChangelist and deletePendingChangelist
methods, and Changelist's update method.
CounterOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setCounter method.
DeleteBranchSpecOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.deleteBranchSpec methods.
DeleteClientOptions |
Options object for the IOptionsServer deleteClient method.
DeleteLabelOptions |
Options class for the server's deleteLabel method.
DescribeOptions |
Options class for the different options that can be specified when running a
describe on a changelist
DuplicateRevisionsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer duplicateRevisions method.
ExportRecordsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getExportRecords method.
FixJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer fixJobs method.
GetBranchSpecOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getBranchSpec method.
GetBranchSpecsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getBranchSpecs method.
GetChangelistDiffsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getChangelistDiffs method(s).
GetChangelistsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getChangelists method(s).
GetClientsOptions |
Options class for the server's getClients method.
GetClientTemplateOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getClientTemplate method.
GetCountersOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's getCounters method.
GetDepotFilesOptions |
Simple options for the IOptionsServer.getDepotFiles method.
GetDepotsOptions |
GetDirectoriesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getDirectories method.
GetExtendedFilesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getExtendedFiles (a.k.a.
GetFileAnnotationsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getFileAnnotations method.
GetFileContentsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getFileContents method.
GetFileDiffsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getFileDiffs methods.
GetFileSizesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getFileSizes method.
GetFixesOptions |
Options subclass for the IServer.getFixList method.
GetInterchangesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getInterchanges methods.
GetJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getJobs method.
GetKeysOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's getKeys method.
GetLabelsOptions |
Options class for the server's getLabels method.
GetPropertyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's getPropertyValues methods.
GetProtectionEntriesOptions |
Options subclass for the IOptionsServer.getProtectionEntries method.
GetReviewChangelistsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getReviewChangelists method.
GetReviewsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getReviews method.
GetRevisionHistoryOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getRevisionHistory method.
GetServerProcessesOptions |
Options class for Perforce IOptionsServer.getServerProcesses method.
GetStreamOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getStream method.
GetStreamsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getStreams method.
GetSubmittedIntegrationsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getSubmittedIntegrations method.
GetUserGroupsOptions |
Options class for server getUserGroups method.
GetUsersOptions |
Options class for server getUsers method.
GraphCommitLogOptions |
This class is used tp encapsulate all the information
that forms the options part of the 'p4 graph log' command
GraphReceivePackOptions |
Options required by the graph receve-pack command
Usage: receive-pack -n repo [-u user -v] -i files...
GraphRevListOptions |
Encapsulates the option values as required by the
'p4 graph rev-list' command
GraphShowRefOptions |
JournalWaitOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's journalWait method.
KeyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setKey method.
ListOptions |
This class is used to encapsulate all the information
that forms the options part of the 'p4 list' command
Login2Options |
LoginOptions |
Options subclass for IOptionsServer.login.
LogTailOptions |
Options class for Perforce IOptionsServer.getLogtail methods.
MatchingLinesOptions |
Options objects for the IOptionsServer getMatchingLines command.
MoveFileOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer moveFile method.
ObliterateFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IOptionsServer obliterateFiles method(s).
OpenedFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IServer and IClient openedFiles method(s).
OptionsHelper |
PropertyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setProperty and deleteProperty methods.
ReloadOptions |
Options class for Perforce reload methods.
ReposOptions |
Options required by the repos command
SearchJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's searchJobs method.
SetFileAttributesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer setFileAttributes method.
StreamIntegrationStatusOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server getStreamCachedIntegrationStatus
StreamlogOptions |
StreamOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete stream methods.
SwitchClientViewOptions |
Options object for the IOptionsServer switchClientView method.
TagFilesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.tagFiles method.
TrustOptions |
Options class for the Perforce IOptionsServer.addTrust method.
UnloadOptions |
Options class for Perforce unload methods.
UpdateClientOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete client methods.
UpdateUserGroupOptions |
Combined Options class for user group create / update / delete methods.
UpdateUserOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete user methods.
VerifyFilesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.verifyFiles method.