Interface ITriggerEntry

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public interface ITriggerEntry
extends IMapEntry

Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce triggers table. These are described in more detail in the various main Perforce admin documentation pages.

Nested Class Summary
static class ITriggerEntry.TriggerType
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.core.IMapEntry
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.core.IMapEntry
Method Summary
 String getCommand()
          Gets the trigger command.
 String getName()
          Gets the trigger name.
 String getPath()
          For change and submit triggers, a file pattern to match files in the changelist.
 ITriggerEntry.TriggerType getTriggerType()
          Gets the trigger type.
 void setCommand(String command)
          Sets the trigger command.
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the trigger name.
 void setPath(String path)
          For change and submit triggers, a file pattern to match files in the changelist.
 void setTriggerType(ITriggerEntry.TriggerType type)
          Sets the trigger type.
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.core.IMapEntry
getLeft, getLeft, getOrder, getRight, getRight, getType, setLeft, setOrder, setRight, setType, toString, toString

Method Detail


String getName()
Gets the trigger name.

the trigger name


void setName(String name)
Sets the trigger name.

name - the trigger name


ITriggerEntry.TriggerType getTriggerType()
Gets the trigger type.

the trigger type


void setTriggerType(ITriggerEntry.TriggerType type)
Sets the trigger type.

type - the trigger type


String getPath()
For change and submit triggers, a file pattern to match files in the changelist. This file pattern can be an exclusion mapping (-pattern), to exclude files. For form triggers, the name of the form (branch, client, etc). For fix triggers 'fix' is required as the path value. For authentication triggers, 'auth' is required as the path value. For archive triggers, a file pattern to match the name of the file being accessed in the archive. Note that, due to lazy copying when branching files, the name of the file in the archive can not be the same as the name of the file in the depot. For command triggers, use the name of the command to match, e.g. 'pre-user-$cmd' or a regular expression, e.g. '(pre|post)-user-add'. *

the depot file path pattern or form type


void setPath(String path)
For change and submit triggers, a file pattern to match files in the changelist. This file pattern can be an exclusion mapping (-pattern), to exclude files. For form triggers, the name of the form (branch, client, etc). For fix triggers 'fix' is required as the path value. For authentication triggers, 'auth' is required as the path value. For archive triggers, a file pattern to match the name of the file being accessed in the archive. Note that, due to lazy copying when branching files, the name of the file in the archive can not be the same as the name of the file in the depot. For command triggers, use the name of the command to match, e.g. 'pre-user-$cmd' or a regular expression, e.g. '(pre|post)-user-add'. *

path - the depot file path pattern or form type


String getCommand()
Gets the trigger command. If the command contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.

the trigger comamnd


void setCommand(String command)
Sets the trigger command. If the command contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.

name - the trigger command

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