Interface IServerResource

All Known Subinterfaces:
IBranchSpec, IBranchSpecSummary, IChangelist, IClient, IClientSummary, IDepot, IExtendedFileSpec, IFileOperationResult, IFileSpec, IFix, IJob, IJobSpec, ILabel, ILabelSummary, IServerProcess, IStream, IStreamSummary, IUser, IUserGroup, IUserSummary
All Known Implementing Classes:
BranchSpec, BranchSpecSummary, Changelist, ChangelistSummary, Client, ClientSummary, Depot, ExtendedFileSpec, FileSpec, Fix, Job, JobSpec, Label, LabelSummary, ServerProcess, ServerResource, Stream, StreamSummary, User, UserGroup, UserSummary

public interface IServerResource

Defines methods available on all participating objects returned from P4Java server and client methods that represent server-side objects such as changelists, jobs, etc.

The general intention here is to allow the underlying P4Java plumbing to use lightweight metadata-only objects where possible (or full-strength objects only partially-implemented or filled-out), and allow the consumer to determine the status of the underlying object and act accordingly.

This approach requires all participating P4Java interfaces to spell out what both "updateable" and "refreshable" mean, and whether the associated methods are implemented or not.

Method Summary
 boolean canRefresh()
          Returns true if the underlying object is refreshable from the Perforce server.
 boolean canUpdate()
          Returns true if the underlying object can be updated back to (or on) the associated Perforce server.
 void refresh()
          Refresh the underlying object from the Perforce server.
 void setServer(IServer server)
          Set the server associated with this resource.
 void update()
          Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible.
 void update(boolean force)
          Force (if true) update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible.
 void update(Options opts)
          Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object and its options, if possible.

Method Detail


boolean canRefresh()
Returns true if the underlying object is refreshable from the Perforce server.

The details of what "refreshable" means in this context are always object-dependent, but typically mean that "live" data and metadata will be updated from the server. This is especially useful on objects like changelists, where the underlying server-side data may change often outside P4Java's control.

true if the underlying the object is refreshable.


void refresh()
             throws ConnectionException,
Refresh the underlying object from the Perforce server.

The details of what "refreshable" means in this context are always object-dependent, but typically mean that "live" data and metadata will be updated from the server.

The results of calling this method on objects whose canRefresh method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller


boolean canUpdate()
Returns true if the underlying object can be updated back to (or on) the associated Perforce server. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific.

true if the underlying object can be updated back to (or on) the associated Perforce server


void update()
            throws ConnectionException,
Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific and will be spelled out for each participating object.

The results of calling this method on objects whose canUpdate method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller


void update(boolean force)
            throws ConnectionException,
Force (if true) update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific and will be spelled out for each participating object.

Note, in order to force the change it may require super user / admin privileges to work properly. The results of calling this method on objects whose canUpdate method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

force - if true, force the update of the object on the server.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller


void update(Options opts)
            throws ConnectionException,
Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object and its options, if possible. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific and will be spelled out for each participating object.

The results of calling this method on objects whose canUpdate method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

opts - Options object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller


void setServer(IServer server)
Set the server associated with this resource. Setting this null can have bad effects down the line...

server - IServer to be used for refresh, update, etc.

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