Package com.perforce.p4java.core.file

Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce depot and workspace files.


Interface Summary
IExtendedFileSpec Extends the basic IFileSpec with methods and fields for use with the IServer getExtendedFiles method and other specialized methods.
IFileAnnotation Describes a Perforce file annotation as returned from the annotation command.
IFileOperationResult Defines the broadest operations available on file specs returned from Perforce file operations.
IFileRevisionData Describes a Perforce file revision in detail, including the changelist number and associated description, action, user, etc.
IFileSize Describes information about the size of the files in the depot.
IFileSpec Defines the basic set of information and operations on a Perforce file under P4Java, and performs as the common currency for a lot of file-list based methods, usually encapsulated as Java lists as both input and output for common server and client file-based methods such as where, sync, add, etc.
IObliterateResult Record stats returned by the obliterateFiles method.
IResolveRecord Integration resolve action records as returned by getExtendedFiles with the equivalent of the fstat -Or option.
IRevisionIntegrationData Used to specify Perforce file integration data in short form for specific file revisions.

Class Summary
FileSpecBuilder A class used to provide generally-useful Perforce filespec-related static methods.
FileStatAncilliaryOptions A simple way to encapsulate the complex ancilliary output options available for the IServer getExtendedFiles method.
FileStatOutputOptions A simple way to encapsulate the complex output options available for the IServer getExtendedFiles method.
IntegrationOptions A helper class to gather together some of the (infinitely complex) less-common options available to the integrate method in one object.

Enum Summary
DiffType Describes the various type of file version diffs and related whitespace options available through the relevant content diff, resolve, annotate, etc., methods, corresponding loosely to the "-d" series of options to the p4 command line app.
FileAction Defines the possible Perforce actions that can be associated with a Perforce file, including synchronization actions.
FileSpecOpStatus Statuses representing the result of a particular Perforce file-based operation.

Package com.perforce.p4java.core.file Description

Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce depot and workspace files.

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