Class OneShotServerImpl

  extended by com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server
      extended by com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc.RpcServer
          extended by com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc.OneShotServerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IServerControl, IOptionsServer, IServer

public class OneShotServerImpl
extends RpcServer

A one-shot (connection-per-command) version of the RPC protocol implementation. This version is intended for use by multiple threads using the same IServer object simultaneously, and is therefore thread-safe. The tradeoff here is connection latency -- each time a command is executed a new connection to the Perforce server is created, used, and closed.

Note that performance monitors and command callback objects are shared by all threads using this server object and are not synchronized by this class -- you must sort out any conflicting output yourself (such conflicting output is not a sign of underlying issues, and, as long as you keep callbacks thread-safe, there are no problems with this at this level).

Field Summary
static boolean DEFAULT_STATUS
          True IFF this is the default implementation.
static String IMPL_COMMENTS
          Implementation-specific comments (dependencies, limitations, etc.).
          The minimum Perforce server level required by this implementation.
static String PROTOCOL_NAME
          The specific protocol name to be used in URIs for this implementation.
static String SCREEN_NAME
          The short-form name (display name) of this implementation.
protected  RpcSocketPool socketPool
          Socket pool for this server
          The specific SSL protocol name to be used in URIs for this implementation.
static String TRACE_PREFIX
          What we use as a P4JTracer trace prefix for methods here.
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc.RpcServer
applicationName, authCounter, clientApiLevel, clientTrust, cmdMapArgs, connectionStart, DEFAULT_CLIENT_API_LEVEL, DEFAULT_PROG_NAME, DEFAULT_PROG_VERSION, DEFAULT_SERVER_API_LEVEL, IMPL_TYPE, localHostName, relaxCmdNameValidationChecks, RPC_ENABLE_STREAMS, RPC_ENV_CWD_KEY, RPC_ENV_NOCLIENT_SPEC, RPC_ENV_NOHOST_SPEC, RPC_ENV_NOUSER_SPEC, RPC_ENV_OS_NAME_KEY, RPC_ENV_UNIX_SPEC, RPC_ENV_WINDOWS_PREFIX, RPC_ENV_WINDOWS_SPEC, RPC_TAGS_USED, RPC_TMP_CONVERTER_KEY, RPC_TMP_OUTFILE_STREAM_KEY, rpcServerAddress, secretKeys, serverApiLevel, serverId, serverProtocolMap, serverStats, ticketsFilePath, trustFilePath
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server
ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_MAP_KEY, authTickets, caseSensitive, charset, charsetName, client, clientName, clientUnsetName, commandCallback, connected, CORE_AUTH_FAIL_STRING_1, CORE_AUTH_FAIL_STRING_2, CORE_AUTH_FAIL_STRING_3, CORE_AUTH_FAIL_STRING_4, DEFAULT_STATUS_FIELD_NAME, enableProgress, enableTracking, ignoreFileName, IMPL_COMMENTS_FIELD_NAME, IMPL_TYPE_FIELD_NAME, IN_MAP_USE_TAGS_KEY, loginOnConnect, MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SERVER_LEVEL_FIELD_NAME, minumumSupportedServerVersion, nextCmdCallBackKey, nextProgressCallbackKey, nonCheckedSyncs, P4IGNORE_ENV_VAR, P4TICKETS_DEFAULT_OTHER, P4TICKETS_DEFAULT_WINDOWS, P4TICKETS_ENV_VAR, P4TRUST_DEFAULT_OTHER, P4TRUST_DEFAULT_WINDOWS, P4TRUST_ENV_VAR, password, progressCallback, props, PROTOCOL_NAME_FIELD_NAME, quietMode, rand, rsh, runningOnWindows, SCREEN_NAME_FIELD_NAME, secure, serverAddress, serverHost, serverInfo, serverPort, serverVersion, setupOnConnect, ssoCallback, ssoKey, status, tmpDirName, UNKNOWN_SERVER_HOST, UNKNOWN_SERVER_PORT, UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION, usageOptions, useAuthMemoryStore, userName
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void connect()
          Try to establish an actual RPC connection to the target Perforce server.
 void disconnect()
          Try to cleanly disconnect from the Perforce server at the other end of the current connection (with the emphasis on "cleanly").
 Map<String,Object>[] execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.
 List<Map<String,Object>> execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 List<Map<String,Object>> execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 InputStream execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a stream.
 void execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional string for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).
 void execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
 Map<String,Object>[] execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.
protected  Map<String,Object>[] execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey)
 List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
protected  List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 Map<String,Object>[] execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map without invoking any command callbacks.
 List<Map<String,Object>> execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps without invoking any command callbacks.
 InputStream execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream without invoking any command callbacks.
 InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.
 InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.
protected  InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks)
          Note that this method does the access / request exception processing here rather than passing things up the stack; we may introduce an extended version of this method to take the map array as an output parameter in later releases.
 void execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).
 ServerStatus init(String host, int port, Properties props)
          Shorthand for the options-based init() above, but with a null opts arg.
 ServerStatus init(String host, int port, Properties props, UsageOptions opts)
          Shorthand for the options-based init() above, but with a false secure arg.
 ServerStatus init(String host, int port, Properties props, UsageOptions opts, boolean secure, String rsh)
          Initialize the server.
protected  ExternalEnv setupCmd(RpcPacketDispatcher dispatcher, RpcConnection rpcConnection, ProtocolCommand protocolSpecs, String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, boolean ignoreCallbacks, int cmdCallBackKey, boolean isStream)
          Factors out the command setup that's common to stream and map commands.
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc.RpcServer
addTrust, addTrust, addTrust, checkFingerprint, composeAuthTicketEntryKey, getApplicationName, getAuthCounter, getAuthTicket, getClientApiLevel, getClientNameForEnv, getErrorOrInfoStr, getErrorStr, getGenericCode, getHostForEnv, getInfoStr, getLanguageForEnv, getOsTypeForEnv, getPerfMonitor, getRpcPacketFieldRule, getRpcServerAddress, getSecretKey, getSecretKey, getServerAddress, getServerHostPort, getServerId, getSeverityCode, getTicketsFilePath, getTrust, getTrustFilePath, getTrusts, getTrusts, getUserForEnv, init, isAuthFail, isInfoMessage, isLoginNotRequired, isRelaxCmdNameValidationChecks, loadFingerprint, loadFingerprints, loadTicket, processCmdCallbacks, removeTrust, removeTrust, saveCurrentTicket, saveFingerprint, saveTicket, saveTicket, setApplicationName, setAuthTicket, setClientApiLevel, setPerfMonitor, setRelaxCmdNameValidationChecks, setRpcServerAddress, setSecretKey, setSecretKey, setServerId, setTicketsFilePath, setTrustFilePath, supportsSmartMove, useTags, writeInPlace
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server
changePassword, createBranchSpec, createClient, createDepot, createJob, createLabel, createProtectionEntries, createStream, createTriggerEntries, createUser, createUser, createUserGroup, createUserGroup, deleteBranchSpec, deleteBranchSpec, deleteClient, deleteClient, deleteCounter, deleteDepot, deleteJob, deleteKey, deleteLabel, deleteLabel, deletePendingChangelist, deletePendingChangelist, deleteProperty, deleteStream, deleteUser, deleteUser, deleteUserGroup, deleteUserGroup, duplicateRevisions, execMapCmd, execMapCmdList, execStreamCmd, fixJobs, fixJobs, getAuthTicket, getBranchSpec, getBranchSpec, getBranchSpecs, getBranchSpecs, getChangelist, getChangelist, getChangelistDiffs, getChangelistDiffs, getChangelistDiffsStream, getChangelistFiles, getChangelists, getChangelists, getChangelists, getCharsetName, getClient, getClient, getClientName, getClients, getClients, getClientTemplate, getClientTemplate, getClientTemplate, getCounter, getCounter, getCounters, getCounters, getCounters, getCurrentClient, getDbSchema, getDefaultP4TicketsFile, getDefaultP4TrustFile, getDepot, getDepotFiles, getDepotFiles, getDepots, getDirectories, getDirectories, getDiskSpace, getExportRecords, getExportRecords, getExtendedFiles, getExtendedFiles, getFileAnnotations, getFileAnnotations, getFileContents, getFileContents, getFileDiffs, getFileDiffs, getFileDiffsStream, getFileSizes, getFixes, getFixList, getIgnoreFileName, getInfoServerAddress, getInterchanges, getInterchanges, getInterchanges, getInterchanges, getJob, getJobs, getJobs, getJobSpec, getKey, getKeys, getKnownCharsets, getLabel, getLabels, getLabels, getLoginStatus, getLogTail, getMatchingLines, getMatchingLines, getOpenedFiles, getOpenedFiles, getPreferredPathArray, getPreferredPathArray, getProperties, getProperty, getProtectionEntries, getProtectionEntries, getProtectionsTable, getRandomInt, getReviewChangelists, getReviews, getReviews, getRevisionHistory, getRevisionHistory, getServerFileDiffs, getServerInfo, getServerProcesses, getServerProcesses, getServerVersion, getServerVersionNumber, getShelvedFiles, getSSOCallback, getSSOKey, getStatus, getStream, getStream, getStreamingExportRecords, getStreamIntegrationStatus, getStreams, getSubmittedIntegrations, getSubmittedIntegrations, getTriggerEntries, getTriggersTable, getUsageOptions, getUser, getUserGroup, getUserGroups, getUserGroups, getUserName, getUsers, getUsers, getWorkingDirectory, guardNull, handleErrorStr, handleFileErrorStr, handleFileReturn, handleFileReturn, handleIntegrationFileReturn, handleIntegrationFileReturn, isCaseSensitive, isConnected, isDontWriteTicket, isEnableProgress, isEnableTracking, isNonCheckedSyncs, isQuietMode, isRunningOnWindows, isSecure, isUnicode, journalWait, login, login, login, login, login, logout, logout, moveFile, moveFile, obliterateFiles, parseVersionString, populatePathArray, processInterchangeMaps, registerCallback, registerProgressCallback, registerSSOCallback, reload, renameUser, searchJobs, setAuthTicket, setCharsetName, setClientName, setCounter, setCounter, setCurrentClient, setEnableProgress, setEnableTracking, setFileAttributes, setFileAttributes, setIgnoreFileName, setKey, setNonCheckedSyncs, setProperty, setQuietMode, setSecure, setServerConfigurationValue, setUsageOptions, setUserName, setWorkingDirectory, showServerConfiguration, supportsUnicode, switchClientView, switchStreamView, tagFiles, tagFiles, unload, updateBranchSpec, updateClient, updateClient, updateClient, updateJob, updateLabel, updateProtectionEntries, updateStream, updateTriggerEntries, updateUser, updateUser, updateUserGroup, updateUserGroup, verifyFiles
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SCREEN_NAME
The short-form name (display name) of this implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String IMPL_COMMENTS
Implementation-specific comments (dependencies, limitations, etc.).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROTOCOL_NAME
The specific protocol name to be used in URIs for this implementation.


public static final String SSL_PROTOCOL_NAME
The specific SSL protocol name to be used in URIs for this implementation.


public static final boolean DEFAULT_STATUS
True IFF this is the default implementation. There must be only one of these...

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SERVER_LEVEL
The minimum Perforce server level required by this implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TRACE_PREFIX
What we use as a P4JTracer trace prefix for methods here.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected RpcSocketPool socketPool
Socket pool for this server

Constructor Detail


public OneShotServerImpl()
Method Detail


public ServerStatus init(String host,
                         int port,
                         Properties props,
                         UsageOptions opts,
                         boolean secure,
                         String rsh)
                  throws ConfigException,
Initialize the server. Basically defers to the superclass after setting up the required server version and any optional socket pools.

host - the Perforce server hostname or IP address as passed in to the factory method
port - the Perforce server port number as passed in to the factory method
props - the properties passed in to the factory method
opts - the UsageOptions object to be associated with the server object; if null, the server should construct a new default UsageOptions object.
secure - indicates whether the server is secure (SSL) or not.
rsh - the 'rsh' mode server launch command.
the resulting status; should be ACTIVE unless otherwise specified
ConfigException - if there's something wrong with the specified configuration or associated config files, etc.
ConnectionException - if the server is unreachable on initialization, and that unreachability is serious and unrecoverable (there are implementations that don't really do connections per se, so they may not consider this an error or even try connecting during initialisation).
See Also:
RpcServer.init(java.lang.String, int, java.util.Properties, com.perforce.p4java.option.UsageOptions, boolean)


public ServerStatus init(String host,
                         int port,
                         Properties props,
                         UsageOptions opts)
                  throws ConfigException,
Shorthand for the options-based init() above, but with a false secure arg.

Specified by:
init in interface IServerControl
init in class RpcServer
host - the Perforce server hostname or IP address as passed in to the factory method
port - the Perforce server port number as passed in to the factory method
props - the properties passed in to the factory method
opts - the UsageOptions object to be associated with the server object; if null, the server should construct a new default UsageOptions object.
the resulting status; should be ACTIVE unless otherwise specified
ConfigException - if there's something wrong with the specified configuration or associated config files, etc.
ConnectionException - if the server is unreachable on initialization, and that unreachability is serious and unrecoverable (there are implementations that don't really do connections per se, so they may not consider this an error or even try connecting during initialisation).
See Also:
RpcServer.init(java.lang.String, int, java.util.Properties, com.perforce.p4java.option.UsageOptions)


public ServerStatus init(String host,
                         int port,
                         Properties props)
                  throws ConfigException,
Shorthand for the options-based init() above, but with a null opts arg.

Specified by:
init in interface IServerControl
init in class RpcServer
host - the Perforce server hostname or IP address as passed in to the factory method
port - the Perforce server port number as passed in to the factory method
the resulting status; should be ACTIVE unless otherwise specified
ConfigException - if there's something wrong with the specified configuration or associated config files, etc.
ConnectionException - if the server is unreachable on initialization, and that unreachability is serious and unrecoverable (there are implementations that don't really do connections per se, so they may not consider this an error or even try connecting during initialisation).
See Also:
RpcServer.init(java.lang.String, int, java.util.Properties)


public void connect()
             throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from class: RpcServer
Try to establish an actual RPC connection to the target Perforce server. Most of the actual setup work is done in the RpcConnection and RpcPacketDispatcher constructors, but associated gubbins such as auto login, etc., are done in the superclass.

Specified by:
connect in interface IServer
connect in class RpcServer
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
ConfigException - if local I/O exception occurs
See Also:


public void disconnect()
                throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from class: RpcServer
Try to cleanly disconnect from the Perforce server at the other end of the current connection (with the emphasis on "cleanly"). This should theoretically include sending a release2 message, but we don't always get the chance to do that.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface IServer
disconnect in class RpcServer
See Also:


public Map<String,Object>[] execMapCmd(String cmdName,
                                       String[] cmdArgs,
                                       Map<String,Object> inMap)
                                throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execMapCmd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execMapCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
See Also:
Server.execMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map)


public List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                               String[] cmdArgs,
                                               Map<String,Object> inMap)
                                        throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execMapCmdList in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execMapCmdList in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java List of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
See Also:
Server.execMapCmdList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map)


public List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                               String[] cmdArgs,
                                               Map<String,Object> inMap,
                                               IFilterCallback filterCallback)
                                        throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execMapCmdList in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execMapCmdList in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
filterCallback - an optional filter callback to decide on skipping or keeping individual key/value pairs as part of the results map.
a non-null Java List of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
See Also:
Server.execMapCmdList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IFilterCallback)


public Map<String,Object>[] execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName,
                                            String[] cmdArgs,
                                            Map<String,Object> inMap)
                                     throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map without invoking any command callbacks.

Basically equivalent to execMapCmd with temporary disabling of any ICommandCallback calls and / or listeners; this turns out to be useful for various reasons we won't go into here...

Specified by:
execQuietMapCmd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execQuietMapCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
See Also:
Server.execQuietMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map)


public List<Map<String,Object>> execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                                    String[] cmdArgs,
                                                    Map<String,Object> inMap)
                                             throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps without invoking any command callbacks.

Basically equivalent to execMapCmd with temporary disabling of any ICommandCallback calls and / or listeners; this turns out to be useful for various reasons we won't go into here...

Specified by:
execQuietMapCmdList in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execQuietMapCmdList in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters
See Also:
Server.execQuietMapCmdList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map)


public Map<String,Object>[] execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName,
                                                  String[] cmdArgs,
                                                  String inString)
                                           throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters
See Also:
Server.execInputStringMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)


public List<Map<String,Object>> execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                                          String[] cmdArgs,
                                                          String inString)
                                                   throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmdList in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmdList in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters
See Also:
Server.execInputStringMapCmdList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)


public List<Map<String,Object>> execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                                          String[] cmdArgs,
                                                          String inString,
                                                          IFilterCallback filterCallback)
                                                   throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmdList in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execInputStringMapCmdList in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
filterCallback - an optional filter callback to decide on skipping or keeping individual key/value pairs as part of the results map.
a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters
See Also:
Server.execInputStringMapCmdList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IFilterCallback)


public void execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName,
                                                       String[] cmdArgs,
                                                       String inString,
                                                       IStreamingCallback callback,
                                                       int key)
                                     throws P4JavaException
Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)

Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional string for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).

Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).

The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.

NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.

Specified by:
execInputStringStreamingMapComd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execInputStringStreamingMapComd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
callback - a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.
key - an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
See Also:
Server.execInputStringStreamingMapComd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)


public void execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName,
                                           String[] cmdArgs,
                                           String inString,
                                           IStreamingCallback callback,
                                           int key)
                                    throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional string for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).

Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).

The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.

NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.

Specified by:
execInputStringStreamingMapCmd in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execInputStringStreamingMapCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
callback - a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.
key - an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
See Also:
Server.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)


protected Map<String,Object>[] execMapCmd(String cmdName,
                                          String[] cmdArgs,
                                          Map<String,Object> inMap,
                                          String inString,
                                          boolean ignoreCallbacks,
                                          IStreamingCallback callback,
                                          int callbackKey)
                                   throws ConnectionException,


protected List<Map<String,Object>> execMapCmdList(String cmdName,
                                                  String[] cmdArgs,
                                                  Map<String,Object> inMap,
                                                  String inString,
                                                  boolean ignoreCallbacks,
                                                  IStreamingCallback callback,
                                                  int callbackKey,
                                                  IFilterCallback filterCallback)
                                           throws ConnectionException,


public void execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName,
                                    String[] cmdArgs,
                                    Map<String,Object> inMap,
                                    IStreamingCallback callback,
                                    int key)
                             throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).

Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).

The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.

NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.

Specified by:
execStreamingMapCommand in interface IServer
Specified by:
execStreamingMapCommand in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
callback - a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.
key - an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
See Also:
Server.execStreamingMapCommand(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)


public InputStream execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName,
                                      String[] cmdArgs)
                               throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream without invoking any command callbacks.

Basically equivalent to execStreamCmd with temporary disabling of any ICommandCallback calls and / or listeners; this turns out to be useful for various reasons we won't go into here...

Specified by:
execQuietStreamCmd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execQuietStreamCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
an InputStream on the command output. This will never be null, but it may be empty. You must properly close this stream after use or temporary files may be left lying around the VM's area.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
See Also:
Server.execQuietStreamCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])


public InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName,
                                 String[] cmdArgs)
                          throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

Note that this method is intended for things like getting file contents, and may have unpredictable results on commands not originally expected to return i/o streams.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by P4Java (as defined by the CmdSpec enum), that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execStreamCmd in interface IServer
Specified by:
execStreamCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
an InputStream on the command output. This will never be null, but it may be empty. You must properly close this stream after use or temporary files may be left lying around the VM's area.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
See Also:
Server.execStreamCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])


public InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName,
                                 String[] cmdArgs,
                                 Map<String,Object> inMap)
                          throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

Note that this method is intended for things like getting file contents, and may have unpredictable results on commands not originally expected to return i/o streams.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by P4Java (as defined by the CmdSpec enum), that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execStreamCmd in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execStreamCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inMap - an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
an InputStream on the command output. This will never be null, but it may be empty. You must properly close this stream after use or temporary files may be left lying around the VM's area.
ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
See Also:
Server.execStreamCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map)


public InputStream execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName,
                                            String[] cmdArgs,
                                            String inString)
                                     throws P4JavaException
Description copied from interface: IOptionsServer
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a stream.

This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.

Note that this method is intended for things like getting file contents, and may have unpredictable results on commands not originally expected to return i/o streams.

Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.

Specified by:
execInputStringStreamCmd in interface IOptionsServer
Specified by:
execInputStringStreamCmd in class Server
cmdName - the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.
cmdArgs - the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.
inString - an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.
an InputStream on the command output. This will never be null, but it may be empty. You must properly close this stream after use or temporary files may be left lying around the VM's area.
P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters
See Also:
com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server#execInputStringStreamCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


protected InputStream execStreamCmd(String cmdName,
                                    String[] cmdArgs,
                                    Map<String,Object> inMap,
                                    String inString,
                                    boolean ignoreCallbacks)
                             throws ConnectionException,
Note that this method does the access / request exception processing here rather than passing things up the stack; we may introduce an extended version of this method to take the map array as an output parameter in later releases.



protected ExternalEnv setupCmd(RpcPacketDispatcher dispatcher,
                               RpcConnection rpcConnection,
                               ProtocolCommand protocolSpecs,
                               String cmdName,
                               String[] cmdArgs,
                               Map<String,Object> inMap,
                               boolean ignoreCallbacks,
                               int cmdCallBackKey,
                               boolean isStream)
                        throws ConnectionException,
Factors out the command setup that's common to stream and map commands.


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