
This guide tells you how to use the distributed versioning features of Helix. Distributed versioning allows you to work disconnected from a shared central server. If you’re new to version management systems, you don’t know basic Helix concepts, or you’ve never used Helix before, read Introducing Helix before reading this guide.

What’s new in this guide for 2016.1

This section provides a list of changes to this guide for the Helix Versioning Engine 2016.1 release. For a list of all new functionality and major bug fixes in Helix Versioning Engine 2016.1, see the Helix Versioning Engine 2016.1 Release Notes.

Configure server to limit storage of archive revisions

Using the new ArchiveLimits: field in the remote spec you can specify how many revisions of file archives you want to store locally when fetching to a personal server. This allows you to conserve local storage when fetching digital asset and other large files.

For more information, see “Fetching and Pushing”.

Fetch, push, and zip a shelved changelist

You can now fetch, push, and zip a shelved changelist, instead of one or more submitted changelists.

For more information, see “Fetching and Pushing”.

Support for exclusive locking of files

You can now enable the support of exclusive file locking in personal servers for the p4 edit, p4 delete, and p4 revert commands.

For more information, see “Fetching and Pushing”.