Base filetypes

The base file types of Helix Core Server. Note that lbr.autocompress configurable can affect storage.

Keyword Description Comments Stored as


Non-text file

Synced as binary files in the workspace. Stored compressed within the depot.

full file, compressed


Text file

Synced as text in the workspace. Line-ending translations are performed automatically.

deltas in RCS format


Symbolic link

Helix Core Server applications on UNIX, macOS, recent versions of Windows treat these files as symbolic links. On other platforms, these files appear as (small) text files.

On Windows, you require admin privileges or an appropriate group policy must be set, otherwise, you get text files.

deltas in RCS format


Unicode file

Services operating in unicode mode support the unicode file type. These files are translated into the local character set specified by P4CHARSET.

Line-ending translations are performed automatically.

Services not in unicode mode do not support the unicode file type.

For details, see the Internationalization Notes.

RCS deltas in UTF-8 format


Unicode file

Synced in the client workspace with the UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark).

Whether the service is in unicode mode or not, files are transferred as UTF-8 in the client workspace.

Line-ending translations are performed automatically.

For details, see the Internationalization Notes.

RCS deltas in UTF-8 format without the UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark).


Unicode file

Whether the service is in unicode mode or not, files are transferred as UTF-8, and translated to UTF-16 (with byte order mark, in the byte order appropriate for the user’s machine) in the client workspace.

Line-ending translations are performed automatically.

For details, see the Internationalization Notes.

RCS deltas in UTF-8 format



A legacy format of Apple Inc.




For resource forks on legacy Apple computers, which are no longer supported by Apple Inc.