p4 graph log (graph)

List commits.


For depots of type graph only.


p4 graph log -n //repo/name [options] commit...

Syntax conventions


Lists the specified commits from the specified repo.

To show the full set of options:

p4 graph log -n repo [ -u user ] [ -A date ] [ -B date ] [ -p ] [ -N minParents ]
[ -X maxParents ] [ --oneline[=tree] [--no-abbrev] ] [ -a | -m max ] [ commit... ]



Display all commits (default is first 1000).

-m max

Display no more than max commits.

-A date

Display commits created after this date.

-U author

Display commits created by this author.

-N minParents Display commits having at least this many parents.
-X maxParents Display commits having at most this many parents.
-p Display commits following first parent only.

Display commits that affect any file under this path and filter out any commits that are not on that path. For example,

p4 graph log -n //repo/repo1 -P //repo/repo1/dir2/...

ignores commits for //repo/repo1/dir1/... that do not affect //repo/repo1/dir2/...


Display one line per commit.


The optional tree value for the --oneline option can be entered as:


to add a column in the output for tree-SHA-1 values


The optional no-abbrev value for the --oneline option can be entered as:

--oneline --no-abbrev

to display SHA-1 values in the original 40 characters instead of the default 7 characters abbreviation.


--oneline=tree --no-abbrev combines the two suboptions.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required



read though p4 grant-permission (graph)