p4 ignores

Displays the ignore mappings computed from the rules in P4IGNORE files.


p4 [g-opts] ignores [-v] [path ...]
p4 [g-opts] ignores -i [-v] path ...

Syntax conventions


It’s not always easy to tell why a file is being ignored during add (p4 add) and reconcile (p4 reconcile) operations. To help with that, p4 ignores lets you see the mappings in Perforce syntax that are applied for any specified path.

If you do not specify a path, the mappings for the current working directory are displayed.

Using the -v option outputs the rule that generated mappings and the line number in the file where the rule is defined. See Examples.

The -i option checks whether a filepath would be ignored. If so, the path is returned. With the -v option, a more verbose message is returned explaining whether the filepath would be ignored and if it matched any ignore rules.

Default ignored paths

The P4 and P4V clients by default ignore the following paths to allow better co-existence with the DVCS personal server functionality:


If the P4CONFIG variable is in use, the following path is also included:




Test to see if the specified filepath would be ignored.


Report additional information about the P4IGNORE rules in effect.

When listing mappings, include the rules from which they were generated.

When testing a filepath, include the rule that affected the output.


The path to be tested. Specify the path using local syntax.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required





Note that in the following table, the commands in the left-hand column were run in the c:\workspace directory.

p4 ignores

Display a list of mappings generated from P4IGNORE rules.


p4 ignores -v

Display a list of mappings generated from P4IGNORE rules, including the rules that were generated from a .p4ignore file.

#FILE - defaults
#LINE 2:**/.p4root
#LINE 1:**/.p4config
#FILE c:\workspace\.p4ignore
#LINE 1:builds

If the p4 client is on Windows, the name of the rules file might be p4ignore.txt, and the output could be similar to this:

#FILE - defaults
#LINE 1:**/.p4root
#FILE c:\workspace\p4ignore.txt
#LINE 2:*.html

p4 ignores -i file1 builds/file2

Test to see whether file1 and file2 will be ignored. If a file is ignored, it will be returned. Otherwise, there will be no output.

c:\workspace\builds\file2 ignored

p4 ignores -i -v file1 builds/file2

Test to see whether file1 and file2 will be ignored. If a file is ignored then it will be returned with information about the P4IGNORE rule that it matched. If it is not, it will be returned with a message saying that it is not ignored. If it matched a P4IGNORE exclusionary rule, information about that rule will also be returned.

c:\workspace\file1 not ignored
c:\workspace\builds\file2 ignored by