p4 info

Display information about the current Helix Core Server application and the shared versioning service.


p4 [g-opts] info [-s]

Syntax conventions


The p4 info command displays information about the Helix Core Server application and the shared versioning service.

Here’s an example of the output from p4 info. If the server were a replica of another server, that information would be supplied.

Client name: myserver-24-n102
Client host: myserver-24-n102.dhcp.perforce.com
Client unknown.
Current directory: /Users/jbujes
Peer address:
Client address:
Server address: someaddress.perforce.com:1999
Server root: /depots/p4-1999
Server date: 2015/07/13 14:52:59 -0700 PDT
Server uptime: 147:34:34
Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2015.2.MAIN-TEST_ONLY/1199094 (2015/07/07)
ServerID: Master1999
Server services: standard
Server license: 500 users (expires 2017/01/31)
Server license-ip: qaplay.perforce.com
Case Handling: sensitive

To obtain the version of the Helix Core Server application (p4), use p4 -V.


The output of p4 -ztag info includes unloadSupport enabled if the administrator has created a depot of type unload. If not, the output includes unloadSupport disabled.


To hide sensitive output from unauthenticated users, use the dm.info.hide configurable.



Shortened output: exclude information (for example, the workspace root) that requires a database lookup.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required



none because every user can run p4 info, whether a standard user, operator user, or a service user

Related Commands

To read Helix Core Server’s help files

p4 help

To display Helix Proxy connection information

p4 proxy

To view version information for your Helix Core Server application

p4 -V