p4 upgrades

Show server upgrade status.


p4 upgrades [-g upgrade-step]

Syntax conventions


This command shows the status of an upgrade.

The p4 upgrades command outputs a line for each upgrade step in the upgrade process. A subset of such upgrade steps might be:

Upgrade step PerformUpgrade201 has status completed
Upgrade step InstallationRunning2020.2 has status completed
Upgrade step BuildShelfStorageIndex has status completed
Upgrade step CleanServerLocks has status completed

If the output is "has status ..." The upgrade ...
needed is scheduled to run on this replica.
pending has completed on a upstream server and is scheduled to run on this replica.
running is currently running on this server.
completed has successfully completed on all upstream servers as well as this server.
isolated has successfully completed on this replica, but it was not triggered by replication.
failed has failed on this server.

Using the -g option

The -g option queries whether the specified upgrade step has been completed on all the upstream servers in a multi-server environment.



Queries the status of the specified upgrade-step across the multi-server environment from the server on which the query was issued toward the innermost upstream server.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required


