p4 files (graph)

List the files in the repo.


p4 files [-m max] file ...


List the files in the repo. If client syntax is used to specify the file argument, the client view mapping is used to determine the corresponding repo files.


-m max

Limit output to the first max files.


p4 files //bruno_1666/...

The depot for projectA is not of type graph, so we see metadata, such as "add change 6 (text)". The depot for projectB is of type graph, so we see only the file name:

//depot/projectA/README.md#1 - add change 6 (text)
//depot/projectA/src/feature.cc#1 - add change 6 (text)
//depot/projectA/src/main.cc#1 - add change 6 (text)