p4 streamlog

List revision history of the listed streams or stream specs.

Syntax conventions

p4 [g-opts] streamlog [ -c changelist# -h -i -l -L -t -m max ] stream1 ...


You can specify any number of streams or stream specs. For example,

p4 streamlog //streams/main //streams/dev2.3 //streams/rel2.3

List the revision history of the specified streams or stream specs, from the most recent revision to the first. If the stream was opened for edit and submitted, the changelist information is displayed. Otherwise only the maximum change number at the time of edit is displayed.


-c Display the stream submitted at the specified changelist number.
-i Include inherited stream history. For a stream created by branching (using p4 integrate), streamlog lists the revisions of the stream's ancestors up to the branch points that led to the specified revision. Stream history inherited by renaming (using p4 move) is always displayed regardless of whether -i is specified.
-h Display the stream content history instead of stream name history. The list includes revisions of other streams that were branched or copied (using p4 integrate and p4 resolve -at) to the specified revision. Revisions that were replaced by copying or branching are omitted, even if they are part of the history of the specified revision.


Display the time as well as the date.


List the full text of the changelist descriptions.


List the full text of the changelist descriptions, truncated to 250 characters if longer.


Display at most max revisions per stream argument specified.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required


