Display information about changelists

To display brief information about changelists, use the p4 changes command. To display full information, use the p4 describe command. The following table describes some useful reporting commands and options:

Command Description

p4 changes

Displays a list of all pending, submitted, and shelved changelists, one line per changelist, and an abbreviated description.

p4 changes -m count

Limits the number of changelists reported on to the last specified number of changelists.

p4 changes -s status

Limits the list to those changelists with a particular status; for example, p4 changes -s submitted lists only already submitted changelists.

p4 changes -u user

Limits the list to those changelists submitted by a particular user.

p4 changes -c workspace

Limits the list to those changelists submitted from a particular client workspace.

p4 describe changenum

Displays full information about a single changelist. If the changelist has already been submitted, the report includes a list of affected files and the diffs of these files. (You can use the -s option to exclude the file diffs.)

p4 describe -O changenum

If a changelist was renumbered, describe the changelist in terms of its original change number.

See at Create numbered changelists, where "Example: Automatic renumbering of changelists" shows a case where you can use either p4 describe 783 or p4 describe -O 777.

For more information, see Changelist reporting.