Listing files and jobs affected by changelists

To list files and jobs affected by a specified changelist, along with the diffs of the changes, issue the p4 describe command. To suppress display of the diffs (for shorter output), specify the -s option. The following table lists some useful changelist reporting commands:

To list Use this command

Files in a pending changelist

p4 opened -c changenum

Files submitted and jobs fixed by a particular changelist, including diffs

p4 describe changenum

Files submitted and jobs fixed by a particular changelist, suppressing diffs

p4 describe -s changenum

Files and jobs affected by a particular changelist, passing the context diff option to the underlying diff program

p4 describe -dc changenum

The state of particular files at a particular changelist, regardless of whether these files were affected by the changelist

p4 files filespec@changenum

For more commands that report on jobs, see Job reporting.