Listing changelists

To list changelists, issue the p4 changes command. By default, p4 changes displays one line for every public changelist known to the system, as well as for any restricted changelists to which you have access. The following table lists command-line options that you can use to filter the list.

To list changelists Use this command

With the first 31 characters of the changelist descriptions

p4 changes

With full descriptions

p4 changes -l

The last n changelists

p4 changes -m n

With a specified status

p4 changes -s pending
p4 changes -s submitted
p4 changes -s shelved

From a specified user

p4 changes -u user

From a specified workspace

p4 changes -c workspace

That affect specified files

p4 changes filespec

That affect specified files, including changelists that affect files that were later integrated with the named files

p4 changes -i filespec

That affect specified files, including only those changelists between revisions m and n of these files

p4 changes filespec#m,#n

That affect specified files at each revision between the revisions specified in labels label1 and label2

p4 changes filespec@label1,@label2

Submitted between two dates

p4 changes @date1,@date2

Submitted on or after a specified date

p4 changes @date1,@now