Verify the connection to the server

To verify a connection, run the p4 info command.

$ p4 info

If P4PORT is set correctly, information like the following is displayed:

User name: bruno
Client name: dhcp-133-n101
Client host:
Client unknown.
Current directory: /Users/bruno/tutorial
Peer address:
Client address:
Server address: localhost:1666
Server root: /Users/bruno/server
Server date: 2016/03/01 16:15:38 -0800 PST
Server uptime: 00:03:26
Server version: P4D/DARWIN90X86_64/2015.2/1340214 (2016/02/03)
Server license: none
Case Handling: insensitive

The Server address: field shows the host to which p4 connected and also displays the host and port number on which the Helix Server is listening. If P4PORT is set incorrectly, you receive a message like the following:

Perforce client error:
   Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
   TCP connect to perforce:1666 failed.
   perforce: host unknown.

If you get the "host unknown" error, speak to your administrator.