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# Used in Perforce file patterns to indicate an absolute revision number.
@ Used in Perforce file patterns to indicate a symbolic revision identifier.
* A wildcard used in Perforce file patterns to match files at the current directory level.
... A wildcard used in Perforce file patterns to match files at the current directory level and all levels below it.
absolute revision A revision number that identifies the ordinal version of a file. For example, foo.html#17 is the 17th version of foo.html.
changelist A record of a set of files changed at the same time.
client The Perforce database entity uniquely associated with your workspace and the files synced to it.
client spec The specification of your workspace location, the depot files you plan on working with, and where they will appear in your workspace.
client workspace The area on your local filesystem where you work on files managed by Perforce.
depot A location in the master repository of files stored by the Perforce server.
file pattern The Perforce syntax for specifying a file or set files. May include wildcards and/or revision specifiers.
head revision The latest or "tip" revision of a file.
opened files The files you are changing (editing, adding, deleting, etc.) in your workspace.
pending changelist A list of some or all of files open in your workspace.
P4Web Helper A private P4Web that can be used for workspace operations as well as for browsing Perforce depot files and metadata.
P4Web Viewer A public P4Web that is used only for browsing Perforce depot files and metadata.
path A directory or folder.
port The hostname and listen address that identifies the Perforce server (e.g, "public.perforce.com:1666").
review daemon An optional program that the Perforce administrator can install to email users when changelists are submitted by other users.
submit The command that sends a pending changelist and contents of changed files to the depot.
submitted changelist A permanent record that is created when a pending changelist is submitted.
symbolic revision A revision symbol that identifies a file at a particular revision associated the state of the depot. For example:

  • foo.html@1234 is the latest revision of foo.html at the moment changelist 1234 was submitted -- regardless of whether foo.html was part of changelist 1234.

  • foo.html@2000/06/06 is the latest revision of foo.html as of 00:00:00 hours, 06 June 2000.

  • foo.html@topaz is the revision of foo.html currently in either the "topaz" client workspace or in the "topaz" label. (Since labels and clients can't have the same names, this is not ambigous.)
sync The command that copies files from the depot to your workspace. (Short for "synchronize".)
user The unique identifier of a Perforce user. (Usually the same as your login name.)
user spec The specification describing various information associated with you as a Perforce user, such as your full name and your email address.
workspace The area on your local filesystem where you work on files managed by Perforce. (Also called a "client workspace.")

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