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P4Web "Road Map"

This page provides a "road map" to P4Web documentation, and describes how the different parts of P4Web fit together. At the bottom of this page you'll find a complete index of P4Web Help pages.

Helpers and Viewers

The P4Web process you point your browser to is either a Helper or a Viewer:


P4Web provides two "Browser" pages to show you Perforce information at a glance:

Both the Path Browser and the File Browser display a "ticker tape" of recent changes in the control panel at the top of the page. These are the most recent changes that have affected the path or file you are currently browsing. You always know at a glance what's going on with the files you are working on.


The current client determines which workspace you are using. P4Web displays the current client name at the top of the control panel. You can use the Client List page to show you the list of existing (already defined) clients. You can switch clients using the Settings page.

The files and paths in your workspace are determined by your client spec. To create or modify a client spec, use the Edit Client Spec page.

P4Web Help File Index

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