FileSys::Open( FileOpenMode, Error * )

Open the file name specified by the path protected FileSys member for reading or writing as specified by the argument FileOpenMode.








FileOpenMode mode

Mode to open the file, either FOM_READ (open for read) or FOM_WRITE (open for write)


Error *error

returned error status





The default implementation of Open() is called every time there is a need to create or access a file on the client workspace.

Operating systems typically return a handle to the opened file, which is then used to allow future read/write calls to access the file.

Your implementation must correctly report any system errors that may occur during the open.


To use open() to open a log file for writing:

FileSys *f = FileSys::Create( FST_ATEXT );
Error e;
StrBuf m;
m.Append( "example: text to append to a log file\r\n" );

f->Set( "C:\\logfile.txt" );
f->Open( FOM_WRITE, &e );
f->Write( m.Text(), m.Length(), &e );
f->Close( &e );

To reimplement Open() to report errors with Error::Sys(), provide debugging output, and use the FileSysDemo member “fd” to hold the file handle returned from the open() system call:

void FileSysDemo::Open( FileOpenMode mode, Error *e )
    this->mode = mode;

    int bits = ( mode == FOM_READ ) ? O_RDONLY
                            : O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND;

    if ( ( fd = open( Name(), bits, PERM_0666 ) ) < 0 )
        e->Sys( mode == FOM_READ ? "open for read" : "open for write",
            Name() );

    if ( DEBUG )
        printf( "Debug (Open): '%s' opened for '%s'\n", Name(),
            mode == FOM_READ ? "read" : "write" );