Edit a project

  1. Visit the project page you want to edit.

  2. Click Settings in the project menu.

    A project summary with Participants tab, Branches tab, Integrations tab, and General Settings tab is displayed.

  3. Edit the project's details as required.

    For more information on how to use the Settings page, see Project settings.

  4. Tip

    If sharing is switched off for a workflow, any projects or branches that were associated with the workflow while it was shared will remain associated with it.

    If you edit a project or branch associated with that unshared workflow, you will still see the name of the workflow in the Workflow field, even if you don't own that workflow. If you remove that workflow from the project/branch you will not be able to see the workflow in the Workflow dropdown list unless you own it.


By default, any member of a project can edit the project's configuration. Administrators can configure Swarm to prevent changes to the project's name and branch definition(s). See Projects for details.