Check the queue workers

  • Swarm package installations are automatically configured with a cron job to spawn workers when you run the post-installation configuration script during installation.
  • Swarm tarball installations should be setup with a cron job to ensure that workers are running to process events, this is part of the normal installation process. For information on setting up a cron job to spawn workers, see Set up a recurring task to spawn workers.

Helix Swarm uses a custom queue system to process events, provide notifications, and more. The queue system is required to handle the potentially large volume of events from a busy Helix Core Server. A queue manager ensures that sufficient queue workers are available to process items.

You can check your queue workers in the following ways:

HTTP request

Check the status of the queue by making an HTTP request to /queue/status. The response is formatted in JSON and looks like this:


This response indicates that the queue has no current tasks, there is 1 task scheduled for processing later, there are 3 queue workers available, at most 3 workers are created, and queue workers run for at most 10 minutes before self-terminating.

If the queue manager has stopped for some reason, start a new one by making an HTTP request to /queue/worker. No response is provided for this request.

System information page

The Queue info tab on the System Information page displays Swarm basic queue worker information. As well as displaying worker information you can also display the task queue, start a worker, and start a temporary worker.

To navigate to the Queue Info tab:

  1. Click your User id avatar, to the right of the Swarm header.
  2. Click About Swarm.
  3. Click System Information.
  4. Click the Queue Info tab.
  5. Image of the System information Queue tab

  6. For information about the Queue Info tab, see Queue Info.