Streams and Branching

Streams are Perforce’s term for branches. They are variant versions of a body of code. You can read more about them in the "Codelines, Branching and Streams" chapter of the P4 User’s Guide.

When using a personal server created by p4 init or p4 clone, Perforce uses streams as containers for your code. Perforce will create a stream named 'main' to contain the content created or cloned. If, in working with your personal server, you need to create new streams—​also known as branching—​you can do so with the p4 switch command. You can then use merge and copy as normal to move individual changes between streams.


Although you can switch between streams on a shared server, you cannot use p4 switch to create new streams on shared servers.

List streams

To display the current stream, issue p4 switch with no options.

$ p4 switch

main is the default stream created by the p4 clone command.

Pass the -l option to p4 switch to list all known streams.

$ p4 switch -l
main *

The asterisk indicates the current stream. As we haven’t yet created any other streams, main is the only one listed and is the current stream.