Installing Perforce Server 15.1 on Linux

Without OS-specific packages

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to
  3. Click the Select button.
  4. Find the section titled P4D: Server.
  5. Click the Accept and Continue button in that section.
  6. Click the Clients tab.
  7. Find the section titled P4: CommandLine Client.
  8. Select your operating system from the dropdown menu in that section.
  9. Click the Accept and Continue button in that section.
  10. Open a terminal window.
  11. Make the downloaded files executable:

    chmod +x _downloads_path_/p4*
  12. Move the files into a common execution path:

    sudo mv _downloads_path_/p4* /usr/local/bin/

With OS-specific packages

  1. Add the Perforce package repository.

    For RPM packages, create a file called /etc/yum.repos.d/perforce.repo with the following content:


    For the Debian package, create a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/perforce.sources.list with the following line:

    deb precise release
  2. Import the Perforce package signing key.

    Run one of the following:

    1. For RPM (run this command as root):

      # rpm --import
    2. For Debian:

      $ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
      $ sudo apt-get update

    For information about how to verify the authenticity of the signing key, see

  3. Install the perforce-server package.

    1. For CentOS and Red Hat, run (as root):

      # yum install perforce-server
    2. For Ubuntu, run:

      $ sudo apt-get install perforce-server
  4. Install the perforce-cli package.

    1. For CentOS and Red Hat, run (as root):

      # yum install perforce-cli
    2. For Ubuntu, run:

      $ sudo apt-get install perforce-cli