Basic workflow

This book is roughly organized according to the administrator workflow. This section summarizes the basic workflow for setting up, configuring, and managing Helix Core Server.

  1. Set up the environment in which you will install Helix Core Server.

    Review installation pre-requisites in Plan the installation.

  2. Download and install Helix Core Server.

    See Install the server.

  3. Start the server.

    See the appropriate section on starting the server in Install the server.

  4. Execute the p4 protect command to restrict access to the server.

    See When should protections be set?.

  5. Configure the server.

    Basic configuration includes enabling distributed versioning if needed, defining depots, defining case sensitivity and unicode, managing client requests, configuring logging, and configuring P4V settings. See Configure the server.

  6. Define additional depots if needed.

    See Work with depots.

  7. Add users if they are not automatically added on login.

    See "standard users" under "Types of users" in the p4 user topic of Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.

  8. Secure the server: set up secure client-server connection. Set up authorization and authentication.

    See Secure the server.

  9. Back up the server.

    See Secure the server.

  10. Monitor server performance and resource use.

    See Monitor the server.

  11. Manage the server and its resources: changelists, users, code sharing, disk space, and processes.

    See Manage the server and its resources.

  12. Tune the server to improve performance.

    See Performance tuning.

  13. Customize Helix Core Server by extending job definitions.

    See Customize Helix Core Server: job specifications.

  14. Customize Helix Core Server using trigger scripts.

    See Triggers and extensions.