

Helix TeamHub has a new way to add and manage webhooks. The existing Hooks feature is still available in the left navigation pane, but will be deprecated in the future. To add new webhooks that notify external services when new commits are pushed to a repository, use the Webhooks feature instead.

Webhooks notify external services about actions that occur in Helix TeamHub. In Helix TeamHub, you can add custom webhooks to integrate with external applications. You can also add Jira webhooks that integrate Helix DAM with Jira. While Jira webhooks are configured in Helix TeamHub, they are only available for use in Helix DAM. To learn more, see Adding Jira webhooks for Helix DAM.

When webhooks run

Custom webhooks run when new commits are pushed to repositories in Helix TeamHub. For example, webhooks run when users add, update, and delete files in Helix TeamHub.

What happens when webhooks run

When a custom webhook runs, Helix TeamHub sends an HTTP post request with a JSON payload to the specified endpoint URL. You can use any endpoint that can process the request.

Where to add custom webhooks

You can add custom webhooks at the company or project level.

  • Webhooks added at the company level can run on repositories in multiple Helix TeamHub projects. Company admins can configure webhooks at the company level.

  • Webhooks added at the project level only run on repositories for the selected Helix TeamHub project. Company admins and project admins can configure webhooks at the project level.

To learn about adding webhooks, see Adding custom webhooks.