FileSys::Read( const char *, int, Error * )

Attempt to read len bytes of data from the object referenced by the file handle (returned by the Open() method) to the buffer pointed to by buf. Upon successful completion, Read() returns the number of bytes actually read and placed in the buffer.








const char *buf

pointer to buffer into which to read data


int len

length of data to read


Error *error

returned error status



number of bytes actually read


The default implementation of Read() is called every time there is a need to read data from the file referenced by the Open() call.

Your implementation must correctly report any system errors that may occur during I/O.


To use Read() to read a line from a log file:

char line[80];
m.Set( msg );
FileSys *f = FileSys::Create( FST_ATEXT );
Error e;

f->Set( "C:\\logfile.txt" );
f->Open( FOM_READ, &e );
f->Read( line, 80, &e );
f->Close( &e );

To reimplement Read() to report errors with Error::Sys(), provide debugging output, and use the FileSysDemo member “fd” to hold the file handle returned from the read() system call:

int FileSysDemo::Read( char *buf, int len, Error *e )
    int bytes;

    if ( ( bytes = read( fd, buf, len ) ) < 0 )
        e->Sys( "read", Name() );

    if ( DEBUG )
        printf( "debug (Read): %d bytes\n", bytes );

    return( bytes );