Uses of Class

Packages that use P4JavaException
com.perforce.p4java.client Provides interfaces for accessing and manipulating Perforce client workspaces and associated objects. 
com.perforce.p4java.core Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce objects such as jobs, changelists, etc., and, through the file sub-package, Perforce files. 
com.perforce.p4java.core.file Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce depot and workspace files. 
com.perforce.p4java.exception Provides exception and error classes for signaling and handling user, internal, and Perforce server errors. 
com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core Provides standard implementation classes for the com.perforce.p4java.core interfaces. 
com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file Provides standard implementation classes for the com.perforce.p4java.core.file interfaces. 
com.perforce.p4java.server Provides interfaces and classes for accessing Perforce SCM servers and associated server-level services. 
com.perforce.p4java.server.callback Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce server callbacks for things like logging, command progress, single sign on (SSO) authentication, etc. 

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.client

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.client that throw P4JavaException
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.addFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, AddFilesOptions opts)
          Open one or more Perforce client workspace files for adding to the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.copyFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, String branchSpec, CopyFilesOptions opts)
          Schedule resolve and integration actions to make the target file identical to the source file based only on the differences between the two (i.e.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.copyFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, CopyFilesOptions opts)
          Copies one set of files (the 'source') into another (the 'target').
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.deleteFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, DeleteFilesOptions opts)
          Open Perforce client workspace files for deletion from a Perforce depot.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.editFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, EditFilesOptions opts)
          Open one or more Perforce client workspace files for editing.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.getDiffFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDiffFilesOptions opts)
          Return a list of files that differ in some (arbitrarily complex) way from depot.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.integrateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, String branchSpec, IntegrateFilesOptions opts)
          Integrate ("merge") from one Perforce filespec to another.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.integrateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, IntegrateFilesOptions opts)
          Integrate one set of files (the 'source') into another (the 'target').
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.labelSync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, LabelSyncOptions opts)
          Perform a label sync operation for this client.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.lockFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, LockFilesOptions opts)
          Lock an opened file against changelist submission.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.mergeFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, MergeFilesOptions opts)
          Merges changes from one set of files (the 'source') into another (the 'target').
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.openedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, OpenedFilesOptions opts)
          Return a list of files open for this client, optionally restricted to a specific path and / or changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.populateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, PopulateFilesOptions opts)
          Branches a set of files (the 'source') into another depot location (the 'target') in a single step.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.reconcileFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ReconcileFilesOptions opts)
          Open files for add, delete, and/or edit to reconcile client with workspace changes made outside of Perforce.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.reopenFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ReopenFilesOptions opts)
          Reopen Perforce files in a new changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.resolvedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ResolvedFilesOptions opts)
          Return a list of files resolved but not submitted for this client.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.resolveFilesAuto(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ResolveFilesAutoOptions opts)
          Automatically resolve the results of a previousPerforce file integration.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.revertFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, RevertFilesOptions opts)
          Revert open Perforce client workspace files back to the revision previously synced from the Perforce depot, discarding any pending changelists or integrations that have been made so far.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.shelveFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int changelistId, ShelveFilesOptions opts)
          Shelve files in a changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.submitShelvedChangelist(int shelvedChangelistId)
          Submit a shelved changelist without transferring files or modifying the workspace.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, SyncOptions syncOpts)
          Sync a Perforce client workspace against the Perforce server.
 void IClient.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, SyncOptions syncOpts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Sync a Perforce client workspace against the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.unlockFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, UnlockFilesOptions opts)
          Release locked files but leave them open.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.unshelveFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int sourceChangelistId, int targetChangelistId, UnshelveFilesOptions opts)
          Unshelve file(s) from a shelf.

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.core

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.core that throw P4JavaException
static IChangelist CoreFactory.createChangelist(IClient client, String description, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new changelist object locally and optionally also create it on the server using the passed-in client for default values.
static IClient CoreFactory.createClient(IOptionsServer server, String name, String description, String root, String[] paths, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new client local object and optionally also create it on the server.
static IJob CoreFactory.createJob(IOptionsServer server, Map<String,Object> map, boolean createOnServer)
          Simple convenience factory method to create a new local or in-server job.
static ILabel CoreFactory.createLabel(IOptionsServer server, String name, String description, String[] mapping, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new ILabel object locally and optionally on the server.
static IUser CoreFactory.createUser(IOptionsServer server, String name, String email, String fullName, String password, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new IUser object locally and optionally on the server.
static IUserGroup CoreFactory.createUserGroup(IOptionsServer server, String name, List<String> users, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new user group locally and / or on the server, using "sensible" default values for non-parameters.
 InputStream IChangelist.getDiffsStream(GetChangelistDiffsOptions opts)
          Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with this changelist.
static IBranchSpec CoreFactory.newBranchSpec(IOptionsServer server, String name, String description, String[] branches, boolean createOnServer)
          Create a new branch spec locally and / or on the server with default values for non-parameter fields.
 List<IFileSpec> IChangelist.submit(SubmitOptions opts)
          Submit this changelist and associate it with any jobs in the passed-in options.
 void IChangelist.submit(SubmitOptions opts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Submit this changelist and associate it with any jobs in the passed-in options.

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.core.file

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.core.file that throw P4JavaException
 List<IFileAnnotation> IFileSpec.getAnnotations(GetFileAnnotationsOptions opts)
          Get the file annotations associated with this file.
 InputStream IFileSpec.getContents(GetFileContentsOptions opts)
          Get the contents of this specific Perforce file revision from the Perforce depot as an InputStream.
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> IFileSpec.getRevisionHistory(GetRevisionHistoryOptions opts)
          Get the revision history of this Perforce file.
 List<IFileSpec> IFileSpec.move(IFileSpec toFile, MoveFileOptions opts)
          Move this file if it's already opened for edit or add (the fromFile) to the destination file (the toFile).

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.exception

Subclasses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.exception
 class AccessException
          Exception thrown by P4Java methods when access to data or services has been denied by the Perforce server.
 class ConfigException
          Exception class for P4Java configuration-related exceptions.
 class ConnectionException
          Superclass for all P4Java connection-related exceptions.
 class ConnectionNotConnectedException
          Special subclass of ConnectionException to signal the case of attempting to issue a Perforce server command with an IServer that hasn't been explicitly connected to that Perforce server.
 class FileDecoderException
          Exception class for P4Java file decoding exceptions.
 class FileEncoderException
          Exception class for P4Java file encoding exceptions.
 class NoSuchObjectException
          Exception class to use to signal missing objects within p4java; this is not used for missing objects on the Perforce server side.
 class OptionsException
          A P4Java extension used to signal to participating users that an error occurred in Options object processing.
 class RequestException
          An exception to be used to signal that the Perforce server has detected an error in processing or fielding a request.
 class ResourceException
          Exception superclass for all P4Java resource-related exceptions.
 class TrustException
          Special subclass of ConnectionException to signal the case of attempting to establish trust for a SSL connection to the Perforce server.

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core that throw P4JavaException
 InputStream Changelist.getDiffsStream(GetChangelistDiffsOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Changelist.submit(SubmitOptions opts)
 void Changelist.submit(SubmitOptions opts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file that throw P4JavaException
 List<IFileAnnotation> FileSpec.getAnnotations(GetFileAnnotationsOptions opts)
 InputStream FileSpec.getContents(GetFileContentsOptions opts)
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> FileSpec.getRevisionHistory(GetRevisionHistoryOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> FileSpec.move(IFileSpec toFile, MoveFileOptions opts)

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client that throw P4JavaException
 List<IFileSpec> Client.addFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, AddFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.copyFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, String branchSpec, CopyFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.copyFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, CopyFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.deleteFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, DeleteFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.editFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, EditFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.getDiffFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDiffFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.integrateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, String branchSpec, IntegrateFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.integrateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, IntegrateFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.labelSync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, LabelSyncOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.lockFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, LockFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.mergeFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, MergeFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.openedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, OpenedFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.populateFiles(IFileSpec fromFile, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, PopulateFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.reconcileFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ReconcileFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.reopenFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ReopenFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.resolvedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ResolvedFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.resolveFilesAuto(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ResolveFilesAutoOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.revertFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, RevertFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.shelveFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int changelistId, ShelveFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.submitShelvedChangelist(int shelvedChangelistId)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, SyncOptions syncOpts)
 void Client.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, SyncOptions syncOpts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.unlockFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, UnlockFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.unshelveFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int sourceChangelistId, int targetChangelistId, UnshelveFilesOptions opts)

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc that throw P4JavaException
 String RpcServer.addTrust(String fingerprintValue)
 String RpcServer.addTrust(String fingerprintValue, TrustOptions opts)
 String RpcServer.addTrust(TrustOptions opts)
 Map<String,Object>[] OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 Map<String,Object>[] NtsServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 InputStream OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 InputStream NtsServerImpl.execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
 void OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 void NtsServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 void OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by OneShotServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
 void NtsServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by NtsServerImpl.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
 List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 InputStream OneShotServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 InputStream NtsServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 void OneShotServerImpl.execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 void NtsServerImpl.execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 String RpcServer.getTrust()
 List<Fingerprint> RpcServer.getTrusts()
 List<Fingerprint> RpcServer.getTrusts(TrustOptions opts)
 String RpcServer.removeTrust()
 String RpcServer.removeTrust(TrustOptions opts)
 void RpcServer.saveCurrentTicket()
          Save current ticket returned from Server.getAuthTicket().

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server that throw P4JavaException
protected static void Parameters.addOpts(List<String> args, Options opts, IServer server)
abstract  String Server.addTrust(String fingerprintValue)
abstract  String Server.addTrust(String fingerprintValue, TrustOptions opts)
abstract  String Server.addTrust(TrustOptions opts)
 String Server.changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword, String userName)
 String Server.createDepot(IDepot newDepot)
 String Server.createProtectionEntries(List<IProtectionEntry> entryList)
 String Server.createStream(IStream stream)
 String Server.createTriggerEntries(List<ITriggerEntry> entryList)
 String Server.createUser(IUser user, UpdateUserOptions opts)
 String Server.createUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteBranchSpec(String branchSpecName, DeleteBranchSpecOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteClient(String clientName, DeleteClientOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteDepot(String name)
 String Server.deleteKey(String KeyName)
 String Server.deleteLabel(String labelName, DeleteLabelOptions opts)
 String Server.deletePendingChangelist(int id, ChangelistOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteProperty(String name, PropertyOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteStream(String streamPath, StreamOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteUser(String userName, UpdateUserOptions opts)
 String Server.deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.duplicateRevisions(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, DuplicateRevisionsOptions opts)
abstract  Map<String,Object>[] Server.execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
abstract  List<Map<String,Object>> Server.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
abstract  List<Map<String,Object>> Server.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
abstract  InputStream Server.execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
abstract  void Server.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
abstract  void Server.execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by Server.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
abstract  List<Map<String,Object>> Server.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
abstract  List<Map<String,Object>> Server.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
abstract  List<Map<String,Object>> Server.execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
abstract  InputStream Server.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
abstract  void Server.execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 List<IFix> Server.fixJobs(List<String> jobIds, int changelistId, FixJobsOptions opts)
 IBranchSpec Server.getBranchSpec(String name, GetBranchSpecOptions opts)
 List<IBranchSpecSummary> Server.getBranchSpecs(GetBranchSpecsOptions opts)
 IChangelist Server.getChangelist(int id, ChangelistOptions opts)
 InputStream Server.getChangelistDiffs(int id, GetChangelistDiffsOptions opts)
 List<IChangelistSummary> Server.getChangelists(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetChangelistsOptions opts)
 List<IClientSummary> Server.getClients(GetClientsOptions opts)
 IClient Server.getClientTemplate(String clientName, GetClientTemplateOptions opts)
 String Server.getCounter(String counterName, CounterOptions opts)
 Map<String,String> Server.getCounters(CounterOptions opts)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by Server.getCounters(com.perforce.p4java.option.server.GetCountersOptions)
 Map<String,String> Server.getCounters(GetCountersOptions opts)
 IDepot Server.getDepot(String name)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getDepotFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDepotFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getDirectories(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDirectoriesOptions opts)
 List<IDiskSpace> Server.getDiskSpace(List<String> filesystems)
 List<Map<String,Object>> Server.getExportRecords(ExportRecordsOptions opts)
 List<IExtendedFileSpec> Server.getExtendedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetExtendedFilesOptions opts)
 List<IFileAnnotation> Server.getFileAnnotations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileAnnotationsOptions opts)
 InputStream Server.getFileContents(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileContentsOptions opts)
 List<IFileDiff> Server.getFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, GetFileDiffsOptions opts)
 InputStream Server.getFileDiffsStream(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, GetFileDiffsOptions opts)
 List<IFileSize> Server.getFileSizes(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileSizesOptions opts)
 List<IFix> Server.getFixes(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFixesOptions opts)
 List<IChangelist> Server.getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, GetInterchangesOptions opts)
 List<IChangelist> Server.getInterchanges(String branchSpecName, List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, List<IFileSpec> toFileList, GetInterchangesOptions opts)
 List<IJob> Server.getJobs(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetJobsOptions opts)
 String Server.getKey(String keyName)
 Map<String,String> Server.getKeys(GetKeysOptions opts)
 List<ILabelSummary> Server.getLabels(List<IFileSpec> fileList, GetLabelsOptions opts)
 String Server.getLoginStatus()
 ILogTail Server.getLogTail(LogTailOptions opts)
 List<IFileLineMatch> Server.getMatchingLines(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String pattern, List<String> infoLines, MatchingLinesOptions options)
 List<IFileLineMatch> Server.getMatchingLines(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String pattern, MatchingLinesOptions options)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getOpenedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, OpenedFilesOptions opts)
 List<IProperty> Server.getProperty(GetPropertyOptions opts)
 List<IProtectionEntry> Server.getProtectionEntries(List<IFileSpec> fileList, GetProtectionEntriesOptions opts)
 InputStream Server.getProtectionsTable()
 List<IReviewChangelist> Server.getReviewChangelists(GetReviewChangelistsOptions opts)
 List<IUserSummary> Server.getReviews(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetReviewsOptions opts)
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> Server.getRevisionHistory(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetRevisionHistoryOptions opts)
 List<IServerProcess> Server.getServerProcesses(GetServerProcessesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getShelvedFiles(int id)
 IStream Server.getStream(String streamPath)
 IStream Server.getStream(String streamPath, GetStreamOptions opts)
 void Server.getStreamingExportRecords(ExportRecordsOptions opts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 IStreamIntegrationStatus Server.getStreamIntegrationStatus(String stream, StreamIntegrationStatusOptions opts)
 List<IStreamSummary> Server.getStreams(List<String> streamPaths, GetStreamsOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getSubmittedIntegrations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetSubmittedIntegrationsOptions opts)
 List<ITriggerEntry> Server.getTriggerEntries()
 InputStream Server.getTriggersTable()
abstract  String Server.getTrust()
abstract  List<Fingerprint> Server.getTrusts()
abstract  List<Fingerprint> Server.getTrusts(TrustOptions opts)
 List<IUserGroup> Server.getUserGroups(String userOrGroupName, GetUserGroupsOptions opts)
 List<IUserSummary> Server.getUsers(List<String> userList, GetUsersOptions opts)
 void Server.journalWait(JournalWaitOptions opts)
 void Server.login(IUser user, StringBuffer ticket, LoginOptions opts)
 void Server.login(String password, LoginOptions opts)
 void Server.login(String password, StringBuffer ticket, LoginOptions opts)
 void Server.logout(LoginOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.moveFile(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, MoveFileOptions opts)
 List<IObliterateResult> Server.obliterateFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ObliterateFilesOptions opts)
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, String branchSpec, IServer server)
          Specialized parameter processing method for the Client.integrateFiles and IOptionsServer.getFileDiffs methods.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, IFileSpec fromFileSpec, List<IFileSpec> toFileSpecs, String[] stringParams, IServer server)
          Specialized parameter processing method for commands with 'fromFile' and 'toFiles' parameters.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, IServer server)
          Version of processParameters for those rare methods that have no non-Options arguments.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, IServer server)
          Process options and filespecs arguments for common methods that use a single file spec list and an options object.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, List<IFileSpec> fromFiles, List<IFileSpec> toFiles, String branchSpec, IServer server)
          Specialized parameter processing method for the IOptionsServer.getInterchanges method.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String[] stringParams, boolean annotateFiles, IServer server)
          Omnibus processParameters method.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String[] stringParams, IServer server)
          Process options, filespecs arguments, and string arguments for common methods.
static String[] Parameters.processParameters(Options opts, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String stringParam, IServer server)
          Process options, filespecs arguments, and a single string argument for common methods.
 String Server.reload(ReloadOptions opts)
abstract  String Server.removeTrust()
abstract  String Server.removeTrust(TrustOptions opts)
 String Server.renameUser(String oldUserName, String newUserName)
 List<String> Server.searchJobs(String words, SearchJobsOptions opts)
 String Server.setCounter(String counterName, String value, CounterOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.setFileAttributes(List<IFileSpec> files, Map<String,String> attributes, SetFileAttributesOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.setFileAttributes(List<IFileSpec> files, String attributeName, InputStream inStream, SetFileAttributesOptions opts)
 String Server.setKey(String KeyName, String value, KeyOptions opts)
 String Server.setProperty(String name, String value, PropertyOptions opts)
 String Server.setServerConfigurationValue(String name, String value)
 List<ServerConfigurationValue> Server.showServerConfiguration(String serverName, String variableName)
 String Server.switchClientView(String templateClientName, String targetClientName, SwitchClientViewOptions opts)
 String Server.switchStreamView(String streamPath, String targetClientName, SwitchClientViewOptions opts)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.tagFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, TagFilesOptions opts)
 String Server.unload(UnloadOptions opts)
 String Server.updateClient(IClient client, UpdateClientOptions opts)
 String Server.updateProtectionEntries(List<IProtectionEntry> entryList)
 String Server.updateStream(IStream stream, StreamOptions opts)
 String Server.updateTriggerEntries(List<ITriggerEntry> entryList)
 String Server.updateUser(IUser user, UpdateUserOptions opts)
 String Server.updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
 List<IExtendedFileSpec> Server.verifyFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, VerifyFilesOptions opts)

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.server

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.server that throw P4JavaException
 String IOptionsServer.addTrust(String fingerprintValue)
          Approve and add the specified fingerprint for the Perforce SSL connection.
 String IOptionsServer.addTrust(String fingerprintValue, TrustOptions opts)
          Approve and add the specified fingerprint or replacement for the Perforce SSL connection.
 String IOptionsServer.addTrust(TrustOptions opts)
          Approve and add the fingerprint for the Perforce SSL connection.
 String IOptionsServer.changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword, String userName)
          Change a user's password on the server.
 String IOptionsServer.createDepot(IDepot newDepot)
          Create a new depot in the repository.
 String IOptionsServer.createProtectionEntries(List<IProtectionEntry> entryList)
          Create or replace the protections table data on the Perforce server with these new protection entries.
 String IOptionsServer.createStream(IStream stream)
          Create a new stream in the repository.
 String IOptionsServer.createTriggerEntries(List<ITriggerEntry> entryList)
          Create or replace the triggers table data on the Perforce server with these new trigger entries.
 String IOptionsServer.createUser(IUser user, UpdateUserOptions opts)
          Create a new Perforce user on the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.createUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
          Create a new Perforce user group on the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteBranchSpec(String branchSpecName, DeleteBranchSpecOptions opts)
          Delete a named Perforce branch spec from the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteClient(String clientName, DeleteClientOptions opts)
          Delete a Perforce client from a Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteDepot(String name)
          Delete a named depot from the repository.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteKey(String keyName)
          Delete a key on a Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteLabel(String labelName, DeleteLabelOptions opts)
          Delete a named Perforce label from the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deletePendingChangelist(int id, ChangelistOptions opts)
          Delete a pending Perforce changelist.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteProperty(String name, PropertyOptions opts)
          Deletes a property value from the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteStream(String streamPath, StreamOptions opts)
          Delete a Perforce stream spec from the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.deleteUser(String userName, UpdateUserOptions opts)
          Delete a named Perforce user from the Perforce server
 String IOptionsServer.deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
          Delete a Perforce user group from the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.duplicateRevisions(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, DuplicateRevisionsOptions opts)
          Duplicate revisions with integration history (unsupported).
 Map<String,Object>[] IServer.execInputStringMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.execInputStringMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.execInputStringStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a stream.
 void IOptionsServer.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional string for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).
 void IServer.execInputStringStreamingMapComd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by IOptionsServer.execInputStringStreamingMapCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.execQuietMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a list of maps without invoking any command callbacks.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.
 void IStreamingServer.execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
 void IServer.execStreamingMapCommand(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).
 List<IFix> IOptionsServer.fixJobs(List<String> jobIds, int changelistId, FixJobsOptions opts)
          Mark each named job as being fixed by the changelist number given with changeListId.
 IBranchSpec IOptionsServer.getBranchSpec(String name, GetBranchSpecOptions opts)
          Get a specific named Perforce branch spec from the Perforce server.
 List<IBranchSpecSummary> IOptionsServer.getBranchSpecs(GetBranchSpecsOptions opts)
          Get a list of all summary Perforce branch specs known to the Perforce server.
 IChangelist IOptionsServer.getChangelist(int id, ChangelistOptions opts)
          Get a specific Perforce changelist from a Perforce server.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.getChangelistDiffs(int id, GetChangelistDiffsOptions opts)
          Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with a specific submitted changelist.
 List<IChangelistSummary> IOptionsServer.getChangelists(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetChangelistsOptions opts)
          Get a list of Perforce changelist summary objects from the Perforce server.
 List<IClientSummary> IOptionsServer.getClients(GetClientsOptions opts)
          Get a list of IClientSummary objects for all Perforce clients known to this Perforce server.
 IClient IOptionsServer.getClientTemplate(String clientName, GetClientTemplateOptions opts)
          Get a template of a non-existent named Perforce client.
 String IOptionsServer.getCounter(String counterName, CounterOptions opts)
          Get the value of a named Perforce counter from the Perforce server.
 Map<String,String> IOptionsServer.getCounters(CounterOptions opts)
          Deprecated. As of release 2013.1, replaced by IOptionsServer.getCounters(com.perforce.p4java.option.server.GetCountersOptions)
 Map<String,String> IOptionsServer.getCounters(GetCountersOptions opts)
          Get a map of the Perforce server's counters.
 IDepot IOptionsServer.getDepot(String name)
          Get an individual depot by name.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getDepotFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDepotFilesOptions opts)
          List all Perforce depot files known to the Perforce server that conform to the passed-in wild-card file specification(s).
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getDirectories(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetDirectoriesOptions opts)
          List any directories matching the passed-in file specifications.
 List<IDiskSpace> IOptionsServer.getDiskSpace(List<String> filesystems)
          Get a list of disk space information about the current availability of disk space on the server.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IOptionsServer.getExportRecords(ExportRecordsOptions opts)
          Get a list of exported journal or checkpoint records (admin / superuser command).
 List<IExtendedFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getExtendedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetExtendedFilesOptions opts)
          Return a list of everything Perforce knows about a set of Perforce files.
 List<IFileAnnotation> IOptionsServer.getFileAnnotations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileAnnotationsOptions opts)
          Get a list of revision annotations for the specified files.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.getFileContents(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileContentsOptions opts)
          Return an InputStream onto the contents of one or more revisions of one or more Perforce depot file contents.
 List<IFileDiff> IOptionsServer.getFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, GetFileDiffsOptions opts)
          Run diff on the Perforce server of two files in the depot.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.getFileDiffsStream(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, GetFileDiffsOptions opts)
          Run diff on the Perforce server of two files in the depot.
 List<IFileSize> IOptionsServer.getFileSizes(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFileSizesOptions opts)
          Gets a list of file sizes for one or more files in the depot.
 List<IFix> IOptionsServer.getFixes(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetFixesOptions opts)
          Return a list of all Perforce jobs with fix records associated with them, along with the changelist number of the fix.
 List<IChangelist> IOptionsServer.getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, GetInterchangesOptions opts)
          Returns a list of changelists that have not been integrated from a set of source files to a set of target files.
 List<IChangelist> IOptionsServer.getInterchanges(String branchSpecName, List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, List<IFileSpec> toFileList, GetInterchangesOptions opts)
          Returns a list of changelists that have not been integrated from a set of source files to a set of target files.
 List<IJob> IOptionsServer.getJobs(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetJobsOptions opts)
          Return a list of Perforce jobs.
 String IOptionsServer.getKey(String keyName)
          Get the value of a named Perforce key from the Perforce server.
 Map<String,String> IOptionsServer.getKeys(GetKeysOptions opts)
          Get a map of the Perforce server's keys.
 List<ILabelSummary> IOptionsServer.getLabels(List<IFileSpec> fileList, GetLabelsOptions opts)
          Get a list of Perforce labels, optionally tied to a specific set of files.
 String IServer.getLoginStatus()
          Return a string indicating the current login status; corresponds to the p4 login -s command.
 ILogTail IOptionsServer.getLogTail(LogTailOptions opts)
          Get the last block(s) of the errorLog and the offset required to get the next block when it becomes available.
 List<IFileLineMatch> IOptionsServer.getMatchingLines(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String pattern, List<String> infoLines, MatchingLinesOptions options)
          Get list of matching lines in the specified file specs.
 List<IFileLineMatch> IOptionsServer.getMatchingLines(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String pattern, MatchingLinesOptions options)
          Get list of matching lines in the specified file specs.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getOpenedFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, OpenedFilesOptions opts)
          If one or more Perforce file specs is passed-in, return the opened / locked status of each file (if known) within an IFileSpec object; otherwise return a list of all files known to be open for this Perforce client workspace.
 List<IProperty> IOptionsServer.getProperty(GetPropertyOptions opts)
          Gets a list of one or more property values from the Perforce server.
 List<IProtectionEntry> IOptionsServer.getProtectionEntries(List<IFileSpec> fileList, GetProtectionEntriesOptions opts)
          Get a list of Perforce protection entries for the passed-in arguments.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.getProtectionsTable()
          Get an InputStream onto the entries of the Perforce protections table.
 List<IReviewChangelist> IOptionsServer.getReviewChangelists(GetReviewChangelistsOptions opts)
          Get a list of all submitted changelists equal or above a provided changelist number that have not been reviewed before.
 List<IUserSummary> IOptionsServer.getReviews(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetReviewsOptions opts)
          Get a list of all users who have subscribed to review the named files.
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> IOptionsServer.getRevisionHistory(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetRevisionHistoryOptions opts)
          Get the revision history data for one or more Perforce files.
 List<IServerProcess> IOptionsServer.getServerProcesses(GetServerProcessesOptions opts)
          Return a list of Perforce server processes active on the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getShelvedFiles(int changelistId)
          Get a list of shelved files associated with a Perforce pending changelist.
 IStream IOptionsServer.getStream(String streamPath)
          Get an individual stream by stream path.
 IStream IOptionsServer.getStream(String streamPath, GetStreamOptions opts)
          Get an individual stream by stream path.
 void IOptionsServer.getStreamingExportRecords(ExportRecordsOptions opts, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
          Get each exported journal or checkpoint record (admin / superuser command) as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command to complete.
 IStreamIntegrationStatus IOptionsServer.getStreamIntegrationStatus(String stream, StreamIntegrationStatusOptions opts)
          Get a stream's cached integration status with respect to its parent.
 List<IStreamSummary> IOptionsServer.getStreams(List<String> streamPaths, GetStreamsOptions opts)
          Get a list of all summary Perforce streams known to the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.getSubmittedIntegrations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, GetSubmittedIntegrationsOptions opts)
          Get a list of submitted integrations for the passed-in filespecs
 List<ITriggerEntry> IOptionsServer.getTriggerEntries()
          Get a list of Perforce trigger entries.
 InputStream IOptionsServer.getTriggersTable()
          Get an InputStream onto the entries of the Perforce triggers table.
 String IOptionsServer.getTrust()
          Return the fingerprint for the Perforce SSL connection.
 List<Fingerprint> IOptionsServer.getTrusts()
          List all fingerprints in the trust file.
 List<Fingerprint> IOptionsServer.getTrusts(TrustOptions opts)
          List all fingerprints or replacements in the trust file.
 List<IUserGroup> IOptionsServer.getUserGroups(String userOrGroupName, GetUserGroupsOptions opts)
          Get a list of Perforce user groups from the server.
 List<IUserSummary> IOptionsServer.getUsers(List<String> userList, GetUsersOptions opts)
          Get a list of Perforce users known to this Perforce server.
 void IOptionsServer.journalWait(JournalWaitOptions opts)
          Turns on/off journal-wait.
 void IOptionsServer.login(IUser user, StringBuffer ticket, LoginOptions opts)
          Log another user in to Perforce by obtaining a session ticket for that user.
 void IOptionsServer.login(String password, LoginOptions opts)
          Log the current user (if any) in to a Perforce server, optionally arranging to be logged in for all hosts.
 void IOptionsServer.login(String password, StringBuffer ticket, LoginOptions opts)
          Log the current user (if any) in to a Perforce server using.
 void IOptionsServer.logout(LoginOptions opts)
          Log the current Perforce user out of a Perforce server session.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.moveFile(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, MoveFileOptions opts)
          Move a file already opened for edit or add (the fromFile) to the destination file (the toFile).
 List<IObliterateResult> IOptionsServer.obliterateFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, ObliterateFilesOptions opts)
          Obliterate permanently remove files and their history from the server.
 String IOptionsServer.reload(ReloadOptions opts)
          Reload an unloaded client or label.
 String IOptionsServer.removeTrust()
          Remove the fingerprint for the Perforce SSL connection.
 String IOptionsServer.removeTrust(TrustOptions opts)
          Remove the fingerprint or replacement for the Perforce SSL connection.
 String IOptionsServer.renameUser(String oldUserName, String newUserName)
          Completely renames a user, modifying all database records which mention the user.
 List<String> IOptionsServer.searchJobs(String words, SearchJobsOptions opts)
          Search for jobs that contain the specified words in the search engine's index.
 String IOptionsServer.setCounter(String counterName, String value, CounterOptions opts)
          Create, set or delete a counter on a Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.setFileAttributes(List<IFileSpec> files, Map<String,String> attributes, SetFileAttributesOptions opts)
          Set file attributes on one or more files (unsupported).
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.setFileAttributes(List<IFileSpec> files, String attributeName, InputStream inStream, SetFileAttributesOptions opts)
          Set a file attribute on one or more files using the passed-in input stream as the source for the attribute's value (unsupported).
 String IOptionsServer.setKey(String keyName, String value, KeyOptions opts)
          Create, set or delete a key on a Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.setProperty(String name, String value, PropertyOptions opts)
          Updates a property value in the Perforce server, or adds the property value to the Perforce server if it is not yet there.
 String IOptionsServer.setServerConfigurationValue(String name, String value)
          Set or unset a specific names server configuration variable.
 List<ServerConfigurationValue> IOptionsServer.showServerConfiguration(String serverName, String variableName)
          Show server configuration values.
 String IOptionsServer.switchClientView(String templateClientName, String targetClientName, SwitchClientViewOptions opts)
          Switch the target client spec's view without invoking the editor.
 String IOptionsServer.switchStreamView(String streamPath, String targetClientName, SwitchClientViewOptions opts)
          Switch the target client spec's view without invoking the editor.
 List<IFileSpec> IOptionsServer.tagFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, TagFilesOptions opts)
 String IOptionsServer.unload(UnloadOptions opts)
          Unloads a client or label to the unload depot.
 String IOptionsServer.updateClient(IClient client, boolean force)
          Update an existing Perforce client on the current Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.updateClient(IClient client, UpdateClientOptions opts)
          Update an existing Perforce client on the current Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.updateProtectionEntries(List<IProtectionEntry> entryList)
          Replace the protections table data on the Perforce server with these new protection entries.
 String IOptionsServer.updateStream(IStream stream, StreamOptions opts)
          Update a Perforce stream spec on the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.updateTriggerEntries(List<ITriggerEntry> entryList)
          Replace the triggers table data on the Perforce server with these new triggers entries.
 String IOptionsServer.updateUser(IUser user, UpdateUserOptions opts)
          Update a Perforce user on the Perforce server.
 String IOptionsServer.updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, UpdateUserGroupOptions opts)
          Update a Perforce user group on the Perforce server.
 List<IExtendedFileSpec> IOptionsServer.verifyFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, VerifyFilesOptions opts)
          Verify that the server archives are intact.

Uses of P4JavaException in com.perforce.p4java.server.callback

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.server.callback that throw P4JavaException
 boolean IStreamingCallback.endResults(int key)
          When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been completed at the Perforce server, and that no more results will be available from the associated command.
 Map<String,String> IFilterCallback.getDoNotSkipKeysMap()
          Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to get a map of do-not-skip keys for informing the RPC layer not to skip them.
 boolean IStreamingCallback.handleResult(Map<String,Object> resultMap, int key)
          When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual result or error / warning / info message is available in map form from the Perforce server.
 void IFilterCallback.reset()
          Per every RCP packet received from the Perforce server, callback to the consumer to reset any counters and other variables.
 boolean IFilterCallback.skip(String key, Object value, AtomicBoolean skipSubsequent)
          When called, this method signals to the consumer that an individual key/value pair is being processed for the current received RPC packet from the Perforce server.
 boolean IStreamingCallback.startResults(int key)
          When called, this signals to the consumer that a command has been issued to the Perforce server.

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