Uses of Class

Packages that use RequestException
com.perforce.p4java.client Provides interfaces for accessing and manipulating Perforce client workspaces and associated objects. 
com.perforce.p4java.core Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce objects such as jobs, changelists, etc., and, through the file sub-package, Perforce files. 
com.perforce.p4java.core.file Provides interfaces and classes for defining and accessing Perforce depot and workspace files. 
com.perforce.p4java.exception Provides exception and error classes for signaling and handling user, internal, and Perforce server errors. 
com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core Provides standard implementation classes for the com.perforce.p4java.core interfaces. 
com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file Provides standard implementation classes for the com.perforce.p4java.core.file interfaces. 
com.perforce.p4java.server Provides interfaces and classes for accessing Perforce SCM servers and associated server-level services. 

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.client

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.client that throw RequestException
 IChangelist IClient.createChangelist(IChangelist newChangelist)
          Create a new changelist for this Perforce client in the associated Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.editFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean noUpdate, boolean bypassClientUpdate, int changeListId, String fileType)
          Open one or more Perforce client workspace files for editing.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.getDiffFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int maxFiles, boolean diffNonTextFiles, boolean openedDifferentMissing, boolean openedForIntegrate, boolean unopenedMissing, boolean unopenedDifferent, boolean unopenedWithStatus, boolean openedSame)
          Return a list of files that differ in some (arbitrarily complex) way from depot.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.labelSync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, boolean noUpdate, boolean addFiles, boolean deleteFiles)
          Perform a label sync operation for this client.
 IFileSpec IClient.resolveFile(IFileSpec targetFile, InputStream sourceStream)
          Resolve a file integration by using the contents of the sourceStream InputStream as the resolve result.
 IFileSpec IClient.resolveFile(IFileSpec targetFile, InputStream sourceStream, boolean useTextualMerge, int startFromRev, int endFromRev)
          Resolve a file integration by using the contents of the sourceStream InputStream as the resolve result.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.shelveChangelist(IChangelist list)
          Shelve the file(s) in a pending changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.shelveChangelist(int changelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean forceUpdate, boolean replace, boolean discard)
          Update/replace/delete shelved file(s) from a pending changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean forceUpdate, boolean noUpdate, boolean clientBypass, boolean serverBypass)
          Sync a Perforce client workspace against the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IClient.unshelveChangelist(int shelveChangelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int clientChangelistId, boolean forceOverwrite, boolean previewOnly)
          Unshelve file(s) from a shelved changelist

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.core

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.core that throw RequestException
 List<String> IChangelist.getCachedJobIdList()
          Return a cached list of job Id's associated with this changelist.
 InputStream IChangelist.getDiffs(DiffType diffType)
          Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with this changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IChangelist.getFiles(boolean refresh)
          Get the list of files associated with this changelist, optionally refreshing the list from the server.
 List<String> IChangelist.getJobIds()
          Return a list of Perforce jobs IDs for jobs marked as associated with this changelist.
 List<IJob> IChangelist.getJobs()
          Return a list of Perforce jobs marked as associated with this changelist.
 void IChangelist.refresh()
          Refresh this changelist directly from the server.
 void IServerResource.refresh()
          Refresh the underlying object from the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IChangelist.submit(boolean reOpen)
          Submit this changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IChangelist.submit(boolean reOpen, List<String> jobIds, String jobStatus)
          Submit this changelist and associate it with the passed-in jobs.
 void ILabel.update()
          Update (or even create) this label on the associated Perforce server, if that server has been set for this label.
 void IServerResource.update()
          Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible.
 void IServerResource.update(boolean force)
          Force (if true) update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible.
 void IUser.update(boolean force)
          Updates this user on the Perforce server; if force is true, force the change (requires super user / admin privileges to work properly).
 void IServerResource.update(Options opts)
          Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object and its options, if possible.
 String ILabel.updateOnServer()
          Deprecated. use update() instead.
 String IJob.updateOnServer()
          Deprecated. use the IServerResource update method instead if possible.
 void IChangelist.updateOnServer(boolean refresh)
          Deprecated. use update optionally followed by refresh()

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.core.file

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.core.file that throw RequestException
 List<IFileAnnotation> IFileSpec.getAnnotations(DiffType wsOptions, boolean allResults, boolean useChangeNumbers, boolean followBranches)
          Get the file annotations associated with this file.
 InputStream IFileSpec.getContents(boolean noHeaderLine)
          Get the contents of this specific Perforce file revision from the Perforce depot as an InputStream.
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> IFileSpec.getRevisionHistory(int maxRevs, boolean contentHistory, boolean includeInherited, boolean longOutput, boolean truncatedLongOutput)
          Get the revision history of this Perforce file.
 List<IFileSpec> IFileSpec.move(int changelistId, boolean listOnly, boolean noClientMove, String fileType, IFileSpec toFile)
          Move this file if it's already opened for edit or add (the fromFile) to the destination file (the toFile).

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.exception

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.exception that return RequestException
 RequestException RequestException.setCodes(int rawCode)
          Set the raw code and associated subsidiary codes according to the passed-in values.

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core that throw RequestException
 void JobSpec.complete()
          Completing a job spec calls JobSpec.refresh() and updates the #isComplete() flag.
 void ServerResource.complete()
 List<String> Changelist.getCachedJobIdList()
 InputStream Changelist.getDiffs(DiffType diffType)
 List<IFileSpec> Changelist.getFiles(boolean refresh)
 List<IFileSpec> Changelist.getFiles(boolean refresh, boolean bypassServer)
 List<String> Changelist.getJobIds()
 List<IJob> Changelist.getJobs()
 void Stream.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete stream model.
 void Label.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete label model.
 void BranchSpec.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete branch model.
 void JobSpec.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete job spec model.
 void ServerResource.refresh()
 void Job.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete job model.
 void UserGroup.refresh()
 void Changelist.refresh()
 void User.refresh()
 List<IFileSpec> Changelist.submit(boolean reOpen)
 List<IFileSpec> Changelist.submit(boolean reOpen, List<String> jobIds, String jobStatus)
 void Stream.update()
 void Label.update()
 void BranchSpec.update()
 void ServerResource.update()
 void Job.update()
 void UserGroup.update()
 void Changelist.update()
 void User.update()
 void Stream.update(boolean force)
 void ServerResource.update(boolean force)
 void Changelist.update(boolean force)
 void User.update(boolean force)
 void ServerResource.update(Options opts)
 void Changelist.update(Options opts)
 String Label.updateOnServer()
 String Job.updateOnServer()
 void Changelist.updateOnServer(boolean refresh)

Constructors in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core that throw RequestException
BranchSpec(IBranchSpecSummary summary)
          Construct a new BranchSpec from the passed-in summary branch spec.
Changelist(IChangelistSummary summary, IServer server, boolean refresh)
          Construct a new Changelist using the passed-in changelist as a template.
Label(ILabelSummary labelSummary)
          Given an ILabelSummary object, construct a new Label object from it.
Stream(IStreamSummary summary)
          Construct a new Stream from the passed-in summary stream spec.

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.file that throw RequestException
 List<IFileAnnotation> FileSpec.getAnnotations(DiffType wsOptions, boolean allResults, boolean useChangeNumbers, boolean followBranches)
 InputStream FileSpec.getContents(boolean noHeaderLine)
 Map<IFileSpec,List<IFileRevisionData>> FileSpec.getRevisionHistory(int maxRevs, boolean contentHistory, boolean includeInherited, boolean longOutput, boolean truncatedLongOutput)
 List<IFileSpec> FileSpec.move(int changelistId, boolean listOnly, boolean noClientMove, String fileType, IFileSpec toFile)

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client that throw RequestException
 void Client.complete()
          Completing a client calls Client.refresh() and updates the #isComplete() flag.
 IChangelist Client.createChangelist(IChangelist newChangelist)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.editFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean noUpdate, boolean bypassClientUpdate, int changeListId, String fileType)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.getDiffFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int maxFiles, boolean diffNonTextFiles, boolean openedDifferentMissing, boolean openedForIntegrate, boolean unopenedMissing, boolean unopenedDifferent, boolean unopenedWithStatus, boolean openedSame)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.labelSync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, boolean noUpdate, boolean addFiles, boolean deleteFiles)
 void Client.refresh()
          This method will refresh by getting the complete client model.
 IFileSpec Client.resolveFile(IFileSpec targetFile, InputStream sourceStream)
 IFileSpec Client.resolveFile(IFileSpec targetFile, InputStream sourceStream, boolean useTextualMerge, int startFromRev, int endFromRev)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.shelveChangelist(IChangelist list)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.shelveChangelist(int changelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean forceUpdate, boolean replace, boolean discard)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.sync(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean forceUpdate, boolean noUpdate, boolean clientBypass, boolean serverBypass)
 List<IFileSpec> Client.unshelveChangelist(int shelveChangelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int clientChangelistId, boolean forceOverwrite, boolean previewOnly)
 void Client.update()
 void Client.update(boolean force)

Constructors in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client that throw RequestException
Client(IClientSummary clientSummary, boolean refresh)
          Construct a new Client object using the passed-in client summary object as a partial template.
Client(IClientSummary clientSummary, IServer serverImpl, boolean refresh)
          Construct a new Client object using the passed-in client summary object as a partial template along with the passed-in IServer object.

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.rpc that throw RequestException
 void RpcServer.connect()
          Try to establish an actual RPC connection to the target Perforce server.
 void OneShotServerImpl.connect()
 void NtsServerImpl.connect()
          Try to establish an actual RPC connection to the target Perforce server.
 Map<String,Object>[] OneShotServerImpl.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 Map<String,Object>[] NtsServerImpl.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
protected  Map<String,Object>[] OneShotServerImpl.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey)
protected  Map<String,Object>[] NtsServerImpl.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
protected  List<Map<String,Object>> OneShotServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
protected  List<Map<String,Object>> NtsServerImpl.execMapCmdList(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks, IStreamingCallback callback, int callbackKey, IFilterCallback filterCallback)
 Map<String,Object>[] OneShotServerImpl.execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 Map<String,Object>[] NtsServerImpl.execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
 InputStream OneShotServerImpl.execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
 InputStream NtsServerImpl.execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
 InputStream OneShotServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
 InputStream NtsServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
protected  InputStream OneShotServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks)
          Note that this method does the access / request exception processing here rather than passing things up the stack; we may introduce an extended version of this method to take the map array as an output parameter in later releases.
protected  InputStream NtsServerImpl.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, String inString, boolean ignoreCallbacks)
          Note that this method does the access / request exception processing here rather than passing things up the stack; we may introduce an extended version of this method to take the map array as an output parameter in later releases.
protected  ExternalEnv OneShotServerImpl.setupCmd(RpcPacketDispatcher dispatcher, RpcConnection rpcConnection, ProtocolCommand protocolSpecs, String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, boolean ignoreCallbacks, int cmdCallBackKey, boolean isStream)
          Factors out the command setup that's common to stream and map commands.
protected  ExternalEnv NtsServerImpl.setupCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap, boolean ignoreCallbacks, int cmdCallBackKey, boolean isStream)
          Factors out the command setup that's common to stream and map commands.
 boolean RpcServer.supportsSmartMove()

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server that throw RequestException
 void Server.connect()
 String Server.createBranchSpec(IBranchSpec branchSpec)
 String Server.createClient(IClient newClient)
 IJob Server.createJob(Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
 String Server.createLabel(ILabel label)
 String Server.createUser(IUser user, boolean force)
 String Server.createUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
 String Server.deleteBranchSpec(String branchSpecName, boolean force)
 String Server.deleteClient(String clientName, boolean force)
 void Server.deleteCounter(String counterName, boolean perforceCounter)
 String Server.deleteJob(String jobId)
 String Server.deleteLabel(String labelName, boolean force)
 String Server.deletePendingChangelist(int id)
 String Server.deleteUser(String userName, boolean force)
 String Server.deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
abstract  Map<String,Object>[] Server.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
abstract  Map<String,Object>[] Server.execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
abstract  InputStream Server.execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
 InputStream Server.execStreamCmd(CmdSpec cmdSpec, String[] cmdArgs)
abstract  InputStream Server.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
 List<IFix> Server.fixJobs(List<String> jobIdList, int changeListId, String status, boolean delete)
 IBranchSpec Server.getBranchSpec(String name)
 List<IBranchSpecSummary> Server.getBranchSpecs(String userName, String nameFilter, int maxReturns)
 IChangelist Server.getChangelist(int id)
 InputStream Server.getChangelistDiffs(int id, DiffType diffType)
 InputStream Server.getChangelistDiffsStream(int id, DescribeOptions options)
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getChangelistFiles(int id)
 List<IChangelistSummary> Server.getChangelists(int maxMostRecent, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String clientName, String userName, boolean includeIntegrated, boolean submittedOnly, boolean pendingOnly, boolean longDesc)
 List<IChangelistSummary> Server.getChangelists(int maxMostRecent, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String clientName, String userName, boolean includeIntegrated, IChangelist.Type type, boolean longDesc)
 IClient Server.getClient(IClientSummary clientSummary)
 IClient Server.getClient(String clientName)
 List<IClientSummary> Server.getClients(String userName, String queryString, int maxResults)
 IClient Server.getClientTemplate(String clientName)
 IClient Server.getClientTemplate(String clientName, boolean allowExistent)
 String Server.getCounter(String counterName)
 Map<String,String> Server.getCounters()
 List<IDbSchema> Server.getDbSchema(List<String> tableSpecs)
 List<IDepot> Server.getDepots()
 List<Map<String,Object>> Server.getExportRecords(boolean useJournal, long maxRecs, int sourceNum, long offset, boolean format, String journalPrefix, String filter)
 List<IFileAnnotation> Server.getFileAnnotations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, DiffType wsOpts, boolean allResults, boolean useChangeNumbers, boolean followBranches)
 InputStream Server.getFileContents(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean allRevs, boolean noHeaderLine)
 List<IFileDiff> Server.getFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, DiffType diffType, boolean quiet, boolean includeNonTextDiffs, boolean gnuDiffs)
 List<IFix> Server.getFixList(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int changeListId, String jobId, boolean includeIntegrations, int maxFixes)
 List<IChangelist> Server.getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId)
 List<IChangelist> Server.getInterchanges(String branchSpecName, List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, List<IFileSpec> toFileList, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId, boolean reverseMapping, boolean biDirectional)
 IJob Server.getJob(String jobId)
 List<IJob> Server.getJobs(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int maxJobs, boolean longDescriptions, boolean reverseOrder, boolean includeIntegrated, String jobView)
 IJobSpec Server.getJobSpec()
 ILabel Server.getLabel(String labelName)
 List<ILabelSummary> Server.getLabels(String user, int maxLabels, String nameFilter, List<IFileSpec> fileList)
 List<IProtectionEntry> Server.getProtectionEntries(boolean allUsers, String hostName, String userName, String groupName, List<IFileSpec> fileList)
 List<IUserSummary> Server.getReviews(int changelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs)
 InputStream Server.getServerFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, DiffType diffType, boolean quiet, boolean includeNonTextDiffs, boolean gnuDiffs)
 IServerInfo Server.getServerInfo()
 List<IServerProcess> Server.getServerProcesses()
 List<IFileSpec> Server.getSubmittedIntegrations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String branchSpec, boolean reverseMappings)
 IUser Server.getUser(String userName)
 IUserGroup Server.getUserGroup(String name)
 List<IUserGroup> Server.getUserGroups(String userOrGroupName, boolean indirect, boolean displayValues, int maxGroups)
 List<IUserSummary> Server.getUsers(List<String> userList, int maxUsers)
 boolean Server.handleErrorStr(Map<String,Object> map)
 void Server.login(String password)
 void Server.login(String password, boolean allHosts)
          Works by retrieving the auth ticket and storing it away for use on all future commands.
 void Server.logout()
 List<IFileSpec> Server.moveFile(int changeListId, boolean listOnly, boolean noClientMove, String fileType, IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile)
protected  List<IChangelist> Server.processInterchangeMaps(List<Map<String,Object>> resultMaps, boolean showFiles)
 void Server.setCounter(String counterName, String value, boolean perforceCounter)
 boolean Server.supportsUnicode()
 List<IFileSpec> Server.tagFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, boolean listOnly, boolean delete)
 String Server.updateBranchSpec(IBranchSpec branchSpec)
 String Server.updateClient(IClient client)
 String Server.updateClient(IClient client, boolean force)
 String Server.updateJob(IJob job)
 String Server.updateLabel(ILabel label)
 String Server.updateUser(IUser user, boolean force)
 String Server.updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, boolean updateIfOwner)

Uses of RequestException in com.perforce.p4java.server

Methods in com.perforce.p4java.server that throw RequestException
 void IServer.connect()
          Connect to the Perforce server associated with this server object.
 String IServer.createBranchSpec(IBranchSpec branchSpec)
          Create a new Perforce branch spec on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.createClient(IClient newClient)
          Attempt to create a new Perforce client (a.k.a.
 IJob IServer.createJob(Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
          Create a new Perforce job in the Perforce server corresponding to the passed-in Perforce job fields (which in turn should correspond to at least the mandatory fields defined in the reigning Perforce job spec).
 String IServer.createLabel(ILabel label)
          Create a new Perforce label in the Perforce server.
 String IServer.createUser(IUser user, boolean force)
          Create a new Perforce user on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.createUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
          Create a new Perforce user group on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.deleteBranchSpec(String branchSpecName, boolean force)
          Delete a named Perforce branch spec from the Perforce server.
 String IServer.deleteClient(String clientName, boolean force)
          Delete a Perforce client from a Perforce server.
 void IServer.deleteCounter(String counterName, boolean perforceCounter)
 String IServer.deleteJob(String jobId)
          Delete a job from the Perforce server.
 String IServer.deleteLabel(String labelName, boolean force)
          Delete a named Perforce label from the Perforce server.
 String IServer.deletePendingChangelist(int id)
          Delete a pending Perforce changelist.
 String IServer.deleteUser(String userName, boolean force)
          Delete a named Perforce user from the Perforce server.
 String IServer.deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
          Delete a Perforce user group from the Perforce server.
 Map<String,Object>[] IServer.execMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.
 Map<String,Object>[] IServer.execQuietMapCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs, Map<String,Object> inMap)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map without invoking any command callbacks.
 InputStream IServer.execQuietStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream without invoking any command callbacks.
 InputStream IServer.execStreamCmd(String cmdName, String[] cmdArgs)
          Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream.
 List<IFix> IServer.fixJobs(List<String> jobIdList, int changeListId, String status, boolean delete)
          Mark each named job as being fixed by the changelist number given with changeListId.
 IBranchSpec IServer.getBranchSpec(String name)
          Get a specific named Perforce branch spec from the Perforce server.
 List<IBranchSpecSummary> IServer.getBranchSpecs(String userName, String nameFilter, int maxReturns)
          Get a list of all summary Perforce branch specs known to the Perforce server.
 IChangelist IServer.getChangelist(int id)
          Get a specific Perforce changelist from a Perforce server.
 InputStream IServer.getChangelistDiffs(int id, DiffType diffType)
          Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with a specific submitted changelist.
 InputStream IServer.getChangelistDiffsStream(int id, DescribeOptions options)
          Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with a specific submitted changelist.
 List<IFileSpec> IServer.getChangelistFiles(int id)
          Get a list of the Perforce depot files associated with a Perforce changelist.
 List<IChangelistSummary> IServer.getChangelists(int maxMostRecent, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String clientName, String userName, boolean includeIntegrated, boolean submittedOnly, boolean pendingOnly, boolean longDesc)
          An omnibus method to get a list of Perforce changelists from a server using zero or more qualifiers (note that convenience methods also exists, especially on the IClient interface).
 List<IChangelistSummary> IServer.getChangelists(int maxMostRecent, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String clientName, String userName, boolean includeIntegrated, IChangelist.Type type, boolean longDesc)
          An omnibus method to get a list of Perforce changelists from a server using zero or more qualifiers (note that convenience methods also exists, especially on the IClient interface).
 IClient IServer.getClient(IClientSummary clientSummary)
          Convenience method for getClient(clientSummary.getName()).
 IClient IServer.getClient(String clientName)
          Get an IClient object for a specific named Perforce client.
 List<IClientSummary> IServer.getClients(String userName, String queryString, int maxResults)
          Get a list of IClientSummary objects for all Perforce clients known to this Perforce server.
 IClient IServer.getClientTemplate(String clientName)
          Get a template of a non-existent named Perforce client.
 IClient IServer.getClientTemplate(String clientName, boolean allowExistent)
          Get a template of a non-existent named Perforce client.
 String IServer.getCounter(String counterName)
          Get the value of a named Perforce counter from the Perforce server.
 Map<String,String> IServer.getCounters()
          Get a map of the Perforce server's counters.
 List<IDbSchema> IServer.getDbSchema(List<String> tableSpecs)
          Get the database schema associated with this server (admin / superuser command).
 List<IDepot> IServer.getDepots()
          Get a list of all Perforce depots known to this Perforce server.
 List<Map<String,Object>> IServer.getExportRecords(boolean useJournal, long maxRecs, int sourceNum, long offset, boolean format, String journalPrefix, String filter)
          Get a list of exported journal or checkpoint records (admin / superuser command).
 List<IFileAnnotation> IServer.getFileAnnotations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, DiffType wsOpts, boolean allResults, boolean useChangeNumbers, boolean followBranches)
          Get a list of revision annotations for the specified files.
 InputStream IServer.getFileContents(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, boolean allrevs, boolean noHeaderLine)
          Return an InputStream onto the contents of one or more revisions of one or more Perforce depot file contents.
 List<IFileDiff> IServer.getFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, DiffType diffType, boolean quiet, boolean includeNonTextDiffs, boolean gnuDiffs)
          Run diff on the Perforce server of two files in the depot.
 List<IFix> IServer.getFixList(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int changeListId, String jobId, boolean includeIntegrations, int maxFixes)
          Return a list of all Perforce jobs with fix records associated with them, along with the changelist number of the fix.
 List<IChangelist> IServer.getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId)
          Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated (unsupported).
 List<IChangelist> IServer.getInterchanges(String branchSpecName, List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, List<IFileSpec> toFileList, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId, boolean reverseMapping, boolean biDirectional)
          Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated, based on branchspecs (unsupported).
 IJob IServer.getJob(String jobId)
          Get a specific job.
 List<IJob> IServer.getJobs(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, int maxJobs, boolean longDescriptions, boolean reverseOrder, boolean includeIntegrated, String jobView)
          Return a list of Perforce jobs.
 IJobSpec IServer.getJobSpec()
          Return the Perforce jobspec associated with this Perforce server.
 ILabel IServer.getLabel(String labelName)
          Get a specific named Perforce label.
 List<ILabelSummary> IServer.getLabels(String user, int maxLabels, String nameFilter, List<IFileSpec> fileList)
          Get a list of Perforce labels, optionally tied to a specific set of files.
 List<IProtectionEntry> IServer.getProtectionEntries(boolean allUsers, String hostName, String userName, String groupName, List<IFileSpec> fileList)
          Get a list of Perforce protection entries for the passed-in arguments.
 List<IUserSummary> IServer.getReviews(int changelistId, List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs)
          Get a list of all users who have subscribed to review the named files, the files in the numbered changelist, or all files by default.
 InputStream IServer.getServerFileDiffs(IFileSpec file1, IFileSpec file2, String branchSpecName, DiffType diffType, boolean quiet, boolean includeNonTextDiffs, boolean gnuDiffs)
          Run diff on the Perforce server of two files in the depot.
 IServerInfo IServer.getServerInfo()
          Return a snapshot set of data on the Perforce server associated with this server interface.
 List<IServerProcess> IServer.getServerProcesses()
          Return a list of Perforce server processes active on the Perforce server.
 List<IFileSpec> IServer.getSubmittedIntegrations(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String branchSpec, boolean reverseMappings)
          Get a list of submitted integrations for the passed-in filespecs.
 IUser IServer.getUser(String userName)
          Get the user details of a specific Perforce user from the Perforce server.
 IUserGroup IServer.getUserGroup(String name)
          Get the named Perforce user group.
 List<IUserGroup> IServer.getUserGroups(String userOrGroupName, boolean indirect, boolean displayValues, int maxGroups)
          Get a list of Perforce user groups from the server.
 List<IUserSummary> IServer.getUsers(List<String> userList, int maxUsers)
          Get a list of Perforce users known to this Perforce server.
 void IServer.login(String password)
          Convenience method for login(password, false).
 void IServer.login(String password, boolean allHosts)
          Log the current user (if any) in to a Perforce server, optionally arranging to be logged in for all hosts.
 void IServer.logout()
          Log the current Perforce user out of a Perforce server session.
 List<IFileSpec> IServer.moveFile(int changelistId, boolean listOnly, boolean noClientMove, String fileType, IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile)
          Move a file already opened for edit or add (the fromFile) to the destination file (the toFile).
 void IServer.setCounter(String counterName, String value, boolean perforceCounter)
 void IServer.setCurrentClient(IClient client)
          Set the Perforce client associated with this server.
 boolean IServer.supportsSmartMove()
          Return true IFF the underlying Perforce server supports the new 2009.1 and later "smart move" command.
 boolean IServer.supportsUnicode()
          Return true if the underlying Perforce server supports Unicode (and is connected).
 List<IFileSpec> IServer.tagFiles(List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs, String labelName, boolean listOnly, boolean delete)
          Tag files with a Perforce label.
 String IServer.updateBranchSpec(IBranchSpec branchSpec)
          Update a Perforce branch spec on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.updateClient(IClient client)
          Update an existing Perforce client on the current Perforce server.
 String IServer.updateJob(IJob job)
          Update a Perforce job on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.updateLabel(ILabel label)
          Update an existing Perforce label in the Perforce server.
 String IServer.updateUser(IUser user, boolean force)
          Update a Perforce user on the Perforce server.
 String IServer.updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, boolean updateIfOwner)
          Update a Perforce user group on the Perforce server.

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