Helix Core Cloud blocked and restricted commands

If your team subscribes to Helix Core Cloud, Perforce manages your Helix Core Server. As a Helix Core Cloud user, your administrative permissions are limited, and some commands are blocked or restricted.

To learn more about Helix Core Cloud, see the Helix Core Cloud Guide.

Blocked commands

Helix Core Cloud users receive an error message if they attempt to run a blocked command. For example, p4 obliterate //depot/... returns The command "obliterate" is not allowed in Helix Core Cloud. If you think it is necessary to run a blocked command, contact a Helix Core Cloud administrator.

p4 commands that start with:

Blocked commands


p4 add (graph), p4 aliases, p4 archive


p4 bgtask


p4 cachepurge, p4 client (graph), p4 clone


p4 dbschema, p4 dbstat, p4 dbverify, p4 delete (graph), p4 describe (graph), p4 diff (graph), p4 diff2 (graph), p4 dirs (graph)


p4 edit (graph), p4 export, p4 extension


p4 failback, p4 failover, p4 fetch, p4 filelog (graph), p4 files (graph), p4 fstat (graph)


p4 have (graph), p4 heartbeat


p4 journalcopy, p4 journaldbchecksums, p4 journals


p4 ldap, p4 ldaps, p4 ldapsync, p4 lock (graph), p4 logappend, p4 logparse, p4 logrotate, p4 logschema, p4 logtail


p4 merge (graph), p4 monitor


p4 obliterate, p4 opened (graph)


p4 ping, p4 print (graph), p4 proxy, p4 prune, p4 pull, p4 push


p4 reconcile (graph), p4 reload, p4 remote, p4 remotes, p4 replicate, p4 resolve (graph), p4 restore, p4 resubmit, p4 revert (graph)


p4 server, p4 serverid, p4 storage, p4 submit (graph), p4 switch (graph), p4 sync (graph)


p4 triggers


p4 unload, p4 unlock (graph), p4 unsubmit, p4 unzip, p4 upgrades


p4 verify

Restricted commands

Helix Core Cloud users receive an error message if they attempt to run a restricted command with an argument that is not allowed. For example, p4 configure history returns The command "configure history" is not allowed in Helix Core Cloud.

In the following, "reserved prefix" refers to the perforce and svc_ prefixes.



p4 admin

p4 admin resetpassword -u user is not allowed if the username has a reserved prefix.

The following are allowed: p4 admin dbstat -s, p4 admin lockstat, and p4 admin logstat.

p4 branch An Owner field cannot specify an entity whose name includes a reserved prefix.

p4 client

An Owner field cannot specify an entity whose name includes a reserved prefix.

Client workspaces cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their name starts with a reserved prefix.

A Stream field of a client cannot specify a depot whose name starts with a reserved prefix.

p4 configure All Configurables are read-only, so only p4 configure show is allowed.

p4 counter

These counters cannot be modified: journal, security, maxCommitChange, upgrade, monitor, and graphDepotRefcountState.

Counters cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their names start with a reserved prefix.

p4 dbstat Only the -s option is allowed.

p4 depot

Depots cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their names start with a reserved prefix.

A Map field cannot be changed from the default value that is set by the server.

An Owner field cannot specify a name includes a reserved prefix.

p4 group

Groups cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their names start with a reserved prefix.

An Owners field cannot specify a name with a reserved prefix.

A Users field cannot specify a name with a reserved prefix.

A Subgroups field cannot specify a name with a reserved prefix.

p4 key

Key/value pairs cannot be created, modified, or deleted if the key names start with a reserved prefix.

p4 license Only the -u option is allowed.
p4 passwd The passwords of users whose names start with a reserved prefix cannot be changed.
p4 property Properties cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their names start with a reserved prefix.

p4 protect

The last three lines of the protections table cannot be changed.

p4 renameclient Client workspace names that start with a reserved prefix cannot be renamed.
p4 renameuser Users that start with a reserved prefix cannot be renamed.
p4 server Servers are read-only, so only the -o option is allowed with a server ID.

p4 stream

Streams cannot be created, modified, or deleted if they belong to a depot with a reserved prefix.

The --obliterate option is not supported.

An Owner field cannot refer to an entity with a reserved prefix.

p4 triggers Triggers are read-only, so only the -o option is allowed.
p4 user Users cannot be created, modified, or deleted if their names start with a reserved prefix.