How the Slack Integration Works

The Slack integration works by quickly distributing notifications to your team’s preferred channels and tailored to meet your team’s specific needs. This can include: 

  • Notifications sent to administrator-specified channels — including private channels. 
  • Review notifications.
  • Responses to previous posts when a review is updated.  

Below is an example from a developer environment: 

Screenshot of developer using Swarm integration within Slack.

Without the Helix Swarm Slack integration, the developer in the above example would either have had to rely on email notifications to communicate those updates. However, email notifications are easily missed and not too collaborative.

How to Setup the Slack Integration

The Slack integration is built into Helix Swarm, which makes it is easy to install. There are only two steps required to setup the integration:

  1. Add the Helix Swarm app to Slack  Add to Slack
  2. Enable the integration in Helix Swarm